A refreshing walk on water trails

As the air temperature starts to rise, you’re probably already looking around for some refreshing shade and water. How about a refreshing walk along picturesque rivers, streams, and lakes? Slovenia boasts an incredible wealth of water, so there are plenty of opportunities for such a walk all over the country. Many of the water trails are also educational, raising the awareness of walkers and hikers about the importance of healthy and clean water. So, if you fancy a walk by the water, you are invited to join us on some of the most scenic and interesting trails.

Take a walk along the crystal-clear waters of Alpine Slovenia

The Alpine world has a network of clear rivers and streams that spring from beneath mighty mountains and is dotted with beautiful lakes around which you can take a stroll. Follow the flow of Alpine rivers and discover the natural wonders along the way, both great and small.

Water trails in Mediterranean and Karst Slovenia

Surface water may be rarer in the Karst and Slovenian Istria, but you can walk beside water in this part of Slovenia too. If nothing else – by the sea.

Trails where you forget to count your steps

Simply because you will be amazed by the beauty and sights that surround you – the kilometres will just fly by. Green trails for young and old, deep in nature, or in the green corners of a city.

The most beautiful hiking trails

Hiking trails connect you to nature. Every step you take is a new experience. Every breath you take is filled with the freshness and beauty that surrounds you. Every sound in nature is music to your heart. That’s why every path, no matter how challenging, is well worth the effort. Discover the ones that will capture your heart.


The most beautiful hiking trails

The most beautiful hiking trails

Hiking trails connect you to nature. Every step you take is a new experience. Every breath you take is filled with the freshness and beauty that surrounds you. Every sound in nature is music to your heart. That’s why every path, no matter how challenging, is well worth the effort. Discover the ones that will capture your heart.


Themed trails = the best school in nature

Themed trails = the best school in nature

Slovenia is intertwined with hiking trails that will bring the natural and cultural features of each region closer to you in an interesting way. They reveal interesting stories and special features of the places you visit. Some of the trails are also home to fairy-tale creatures.


You don’t have to go far for a walk

You don’t have to go far for a walk

Towns and cities have green oases where you can take a break and let your thoughts wander amidst nature’s bounty. You can also stroll along the most popular paths used by the locals. You’ll almost forget that you are actually in an urban environment.


Discover other trails throughout Slovenia

Discover other trails throughout Slovenia

Although most hikers love going to the mountains, the lower areas of Slovenia also have their charm. These offer less demanding trails that are perfect for family wanders through nature., What will you choose – trails in the shelter of green treetops or vineyards, along picturesque rivers, or amidst the mysterious rocky masterpieces of nature?


In search of magnificent views and crystal waters

Slovenia is a land of healthy and clean waters that are perfect for a range of water activities. It’s also a country where hiking has many followers and there are thousands of kilometres of well-maintained and marked trails. The perfect combination for warmer days!

Slovenia’s waters

Discover the freshness and purity of Slovenia’s waters.

Slovenia’s waters


Slovenia – a land of healthy and clean waters

The abundance of water resources and premium drinking water are among Slovenia’s main advantages.

Slovenia – a land of healthy and clean waters


Hiking and Mountaineering

Slovenia is a hiking paradise. More than 10,000 kilometres of marked hiking trails.

Hiking and Mountaineering


Slovenia – top hiking destination

Hiking in Slovenia rules! Find out why.

Slovenia – top hiking destination


Water activities

Vacation by rivers, lakes, in thermal spas or at the seaside.

Water activities


10 directions for responsible trips in the wild

Enjoy nature responsibly.

10 directions for responsible trips in the wild


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