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Slovenia Unique Experiences

Quality experiences as a key guide for the furture development of tourism

It is based on high quality, distinctive, authentic, green experiences, with local character, a highly sophisticated approach and service, and with a strongly expressed experiential and personal touch. Slovenia unique experiences follow a defined concept that meets 10 sets of 5-star criteria and by including it in a carefully selected collection marketed under the quality brand Slovenia Unique Experiences (SUE), support the story of a green boutique Slovenia and the I feel Slovenia brand. 


What is a five-star experience?

1. LOCALLY: It is based on local identity, is true to the nature, to the culture and people of the area, and supports the brand and identity of the destination through its story. 
2. AUTHENTIC: It offers an authentic, original experience, it does not copy and or adopt experiences from elsewhere. 
3. UNIQUE: It has an element of uniqueness and valorises the most unique sales opportunities of the provider or the destination. 
4. EXPERIENTIAL: It has a strongly experiential note, appealing to the visitor on an emotional and experinetial level. 
5. GREEN: It provides all the fundamental elements of sustainable action.
6. BOUTIQUE: It offers the visitor a sense of individuality and boutiqueness. 
7. PREMIUM: Guarantees premium quality - guaranteeing high quality perfomance throughout the entire purcahse journey. 
8. ADDED VALUE: With a strong experiential note and strong engagement of people, the experience creates a higher added value ad appeals to the visitor, who is willing to pay a little more for a special experience. 
9. DESEASONALISATION: We strive to provide experiences with good content to motivate tourist to visit outside the summer and to relieve heavy tourist flows, especially in the peak season, with non-massive offers. 
10. GOOD DIGITAL EXPERIENCE: The applicant's website shall provide a high quality presentation of the experience, which is informative, allow simple and smooth booking process and is available in at least in Slovenian and English. 


The purpose of the SUE manual is:

  • to explain more precisley the concept of 5-star experiences and with them specific experience which Slovenian tourist board includes in the Slovenia Unique Experiences (SUE);
  • to clarify the criteria (10 content sections and individual criteria), provide recommendations and examples of good practice according to the main content sections. 


Through the SUE manual we aim to contribute to the following objectives: 

  • to increase the number of quality applications to the Slovenia Unique Experiences,
  • to increase the number of unique experiences in Slovenia in the Slovenia Unique Experiences collection,
  • to promote the concept of 5-star experiences more widely, in support of the realisation of Slovenia's vision as a green boutique destination for 5-star experience.


The manual starts by explaining the basic terms to help you understand the concept of 5-star experiences and the SUE Collection. 
The second part of the manual explains the entry requirements for applying for an experience and all 10 content sections, divided by criteria and supported by guidance and examples of good practice. The third part explains steps to take to development 5-star experiences and what you need to think about to succesfeully set up and manage them. This is followed by key reccomendations for marketing - from the importance of quality tools to marketing channels and finally a selections of answers to help you clarify all the key questions.

An updated SUE manual will be published soon. 

SUE manual does not includes all the tehnical information on procces of applying to the SUE appeal – these will be available in the PROCEDURES on the evaluation and selection of Slovenia unique experiences for the Slovenia Unique Experiences collection and the conditions for granting the right to use the Slovenia Unique Experiences trademark, as well as the method for selecting and awarding the title of Sejalec.

A presentation of experiences in SUE collection, is available here.

To get more information about SUE, please contact unique@slovenia.info

Boutique, authentic, unique

Discover the most unique stories and experiences that you won't find anywhere else. Let yourself be inspired by the 5-star boutique experiences under the Slovenia Unique Experiences label. Here you can experience the uniqueness of Slovenia with all your senses and in an unforgettable way. In your own way.

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