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Stories from Slovenia

Archive of public tenders by the STB


March 2019

The Contracting Authority published a new documentation for the:

Public invitation to tender for implementation of the "Media buying and PR activities in the media of air carriers flying to Slovenia and other promotional activities in order to accelerate the sale of Slovenia as a flight destination between 2019 and 2021 

(Public contract number: JNV-0018/2018-S-POG-STO), which contains the following changes:


  • The new deadline for submitting the bids is no later than 20 May 2019 at 12.00. Bidders must submit their bids through the eJN information system at https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2. Bids shall be opened by the new deadline, 20 May 2019 at 13.00 at https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2.
  • Strategic flight markets for Slovenia have been added: Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia


The full tender documentation is available at the following link: https://ted.europa.eu/TED/notice/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:134796-2019:TEXT:SL:HTML


February 2019

Public invitation to tender for implementation of the "Media buying and PR activities in the media of air carriers flying to Slovenia and other promotional activities in order to accelerate the sale of Slovenia as a flight destination between 2019 and 2021

The Contracting Authority published a new documentation for the Public invitation to tender for implementation of the "Media buying and PR activities in the media of air carriers flying to Slovenia and other promotional activities in order to accelerate the sale of Slovenia as a flight destination between 2019 and 2021 (Public contract number: JNV-0018/2018-S-POG-STO), which contains the following changes:


  • the tender submission procedure has been simplified (the instructions for using the e-JN system for use of the functionalities of electronic submission of tenders in the eJN system are published at: https://ejn.gov.si/documents/10193/191051/ejn_EO_instructions.pdf; point 1.3. registration in the e-JN system, point 3. Tender submission)
  • The new deadline for submitting the bids is no later than 20 March 2019 at 12.00. Bidders must submit their bids through the eJN information system at https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2. Bids shall be opened by the new deadline, 20 March 2019 at 13.00 athttps://ejn.gov.si/eJN2.
  • The new final deadline for submitting questions relating to the tender is replaced with 7 March 2019 at 12.00

The full tender documentation is available at the following link: https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:68098-2019:TEXT:EN:HTML&src=0


January 2019

Public invitation to tender for implementation of the "Media buying and PR activities in the media of air carriers flying to Slovenia and other promotional activities in order to accelerate the sale of Slovenia as a flight destination between 2019 and 2021

Public contract number: JNV-0018/2018-S-POG-STO

A bid shall be deemed submitted on time if the Contracting Authority receives it through the e-JN (e-system for public orders) at https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2 no later than 20 February 2019 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). Bids shall be opened on 20 February 2019 at 13.00 at https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2.

To submit a bid, one of the following digital certificates issued by a qualified certification authority is required: SIGEN-CA, POŠTA®CA, HALCOM-CA, AC NLB. As obtaining this certificate could take some time Contracting Authority would like to urge bidders to obtain it as soon as possible to submit the offer in the frame of deadline for the submission.

The total estimated value of the public contract € 737.704,92 exclusive of VAT or € 900.000,00 with 22% VAT.

The full tender documentation (in Slovene and in English) is available at the following link: https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:9560-2019:TEXT:EN:HTML&tabId=0  

For any questions regarding the preparation of the tender or any additional explanations, the bidders have to submit such a request at the latest by 7 February 2019 at 12:00 a.m., via web portal e-narocanje.si.



December 2018

Public invitation to tenderfor performing photography and video production services

On 13th of December 2018 Slovenian Tourist Board published a public contract under the open procedure for performing photography and video production services. Slovenian Tourist Board wishes to obtain excellent photographs and high-quality video material of various lengths filmed in compliance with the latest trends for various promotional purposes, from advertising via various digital and television campaigns to communication with different target segments of the public and promotion at business events. Public conrtact consists of 14 Lots as follows below. A bidder may submit a bid for one or multiple lots. 

Photography services:

  • Leading 'hero' photographs
  • Natural health resorts
  • Cycling
  • Hiking
  • Experiences in Ljubljana and its surrounding area
  • Active holidays in Slovenian Istria
  • Castles
  • Thermal Pannonian Slovenia and Maribor
  • Drone photographs


Video production services:

  • Headline image video for Slovenia and four supporting videos for the main products
  • Health, prevention and medical wellness
  • Wine and culinary experiences and cultural experiences in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia
  • Corporate video promotions of Slovenia as a green destination, with supporting photographs


Services related to shorter stories-format videos:

  • Short videos to be published within Stories


The total estimated value of the public contract is €426,000.00exclusive of VAT or €519,720.00 with 22% VAT.

A bid shall be deemed submitted on time if the Contracting Authority receives it through the e-JN (e-system for public orders) at https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2no later than 22 January 2019 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). To submit a bid, one of the following digital certificates issued by a qualified certification authority is required: SIGEN-CA, POŠTA®CA, HALCOM-CA, AC NLB. As obtaining this certificate could take some time Contracting Authority would like to urge bidders to obtain it as soon as possible to submit the offer in the frame of deadline for the submission.

The full tender documentation (in Slovene and in English) is available at the following link: http://www.enarocanje.si/Obrazci/?id_obrazec=287208. For any questions regarding the preparation of the tender or any additional explanations, the bidders have to submit such a request at the latest by 14 January 2019 at 10:00 a.m., via web portal e-narocanje.si.


18. 5. 2018

Award of a public contract procedure for low-value contracts “Communication and creative solution concept (“Big Idea”) in support of the I feel Slovenia brand for Slovenia as a tourist destination”

On 18th of May 2018, Slovenian Tourist Board, published a public contract for “Communication and creative solution concept (“Big Idea”) in support of the I feel Slovenia brand for Slovenia as a tourist destination”, including the following activities:

  • ACTIVITY 1: Initial analysis of tourist communication and creative strategies for the selected ten European and other countries Slovenia assesses as relevant.
  • ACTIVITY 2: Preparation of the umbrella communication concept solution and the underlying story (the “BIG IDEA”) under the I feel Slovenia brand: at Slovenia's umbrella level, and its application at the subordinate product and macro destination level.
  • ACTIVITY 3: Conversion of the umbrella communication concept solution and the underlying story (the “BIG IDEA”) into creative solutions (for the selected offline communication tools or for the defined communication needs).
  • ACTIVITY 4: Preparation of a communication handbook to communicate Slovenia as a tourist destination under the I feel Slovenia brand (at Slovenia's umbrella level, and at the subordinate product and macro destination level).
  • ACTIVITY 5: Preparation of interim and the final report.
  • ACTIVITY 6: 100 hours of consultations over a one-year period by a senior communication or branding or marketing consultant for the defined communication platform to be efficiently and consistently converted into implementing tools.

The proposed solution will be the communication platform for the whole integrated marketing online and offline communication at the umbrella level of Slovenian tourism, i.e. in the STB, for the next three to five years.

The total estimated value of the public contract is €165.000.00 exclusive of VAT or 201,300.00 with 22% VAT.

A bid shall be deemed submitted on time if the Contracting Authority receives it through the e-JN system at https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2 no later than 20 June 2018 at 12.00.

The tenders will be opened on 20 June 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at the address https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2.

For additional questions regarding the preparation of the tender or any additional explanations with regard to this Dossier, the tenderers shall submit such a request at the latest by 11 June 2018 at 12:00 a.m., via web portal e-narocanje.si.

The full Tender Dossier (in Slovene in in English) is available at the following link:  http://www.enarocanje.si/Obrazci/?id_obrazec=257298


10. 4. 2018

Award of a public contract procedure for low-value contracts “The video production services”

On 6th of April 2018, Slovenian Tourist Board, published a public contract for video production services in 3 Lots, as follows:

  • Lot 1: Stories of Slovenia: € 90,000 excluding VAT,
  • Lot 2: Winter experiences: € 12,000 excluding VAT,
  • Lot 3: International sports events in Slovenia: € 20,000 excluding VAT.

The total estimated value of the public contract is €122,000.00 exclusive of VAT or €148.840.00 with 22% VAT.

Deadline for the submission of tenders is by 8 May 2018, 12:00 a.m., at the latest. Tenders shall be deemed to have been submitted on time if the contracting authority receives them via the e-JN system https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2.

The tenders will be opened on 8 May 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at the address https://ejn.gov.si/eJN2.

For additional questions regarding the preparation of the tender or any additional explanations with regard to this Dossier, the tenderers shall submit such a request at the latest by 24 April 2018 at 12:00 a.m., via web portal e-narocanje.si.

The full Tender Dossier is available at the following link: http://www.enarocanje.si/Obrazci/?id_obrazec=249917.


Public invitation to tender for “The implementation of Digital Media buying in 2018”

Public Contract No: JNV-0014/2018-S-POG-STO

Deadline for applications is 5th January 2018 at 9:00 a.m. The public opening of tenders shall be on 5th January 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting room on the 2nd floor at the Slovenian Tourist Board, Dimičeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The estimated value of the public contract is €1,180,327.87 exclusive of VAT or €1,440,000.00 with 22% VAT.

The subject of the contract is the implementation of all activities of digital media buying in 2018 over the course of the project, i.e. in the prescribed manner and by achieving the required objectives – as defined in detail in the following activities of the public contract:

1. Activity: Purchasing of advertising space and technical adserving;

2. Activity: Ad creation and ad content creation, translations, coordination with media for implementing content packages' advertising, and optimization of ads;

3. Activity: Preparing, planning, organising and implementing a successive media plan by countries or the groups of countries included in digital media buying in 2018;

4. Activity: Monitoring of digital media buying in 2018;

5. Activity: Coordination of digital media buying in 2018;

6. Activity: Monthly measurement of effectiveness, drafting of monthly reports, reports on translation, coordination and production, and the final report;

7. Activity: Adjusting and optimising digital media buying in 2018.

The full tender documentation with appendices is available on the web portal www.enarocanje.si, at the following link:  https://www.enarocanje.si/Obrazci/?id_obrazec=233021 

The implementation of digital media buying in 2017


1. 2. 2017

On the basis of the Public Procurement Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], no. 91/2015 hereinafter: ZJN-3), the Slovenian Tourist Board, Dimičeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, invites tenderers to submit tenders in writing in accordance with the Tender Dossier based on the public contract under an open procedure for ““The implementation of digital media buying in 2017” at the latest by 9th March 2017 at 9:00 a.m. to the Slovenian Tourist Board, Dimičeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The public opening of tenders shall be on 9 March 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting room on the 2nd floor at the Slovenian Tourist Board, Dimičeva ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The estimated value of the public contract is €2,475,409.84 exclusive of VAT or €3,020,000.00 with 22% VAT.

The subject of the contract is the implementation of all activities of digital media buying in 2017 over the course of the project, i.e. in the prescribed manner and by achieving the required objectives – as defined in detail in the following activities of the public contract:
1. Activity: Purchasing of advertising space and technical adserving;
2. Activity: Preparing, planning, organising and implementing a successive media plan by countries or the groups of countries included in digital media buying in 2017;
3. Activity: Monitoring of digital media buying in 2017;
4. Activity: Coordination of digital media buying in 2017;
5. Activity: Monthly measurement of effectiveness, drafting of monthly reports and the final report;
6. Activity: Adjusting and optimising digital media buying in 2017.

The whole documentation is available on www.enarocanje.si website, under the number: JN000831/2017-B01. Direct weblink to reach the documentation is http://www.enarocanje.si/Obrazci/?id_obrazec=186330 - available only in Slovene language. English version of the documentation is found in the zip file.


12. 8. 2016

A public procurement of small value for the implementation of a media mix within an advertising campaign in the market of the United States of America

We would like to notify you that on 12 August 2016, “a public procurement of small value for the implementation of a media mix within an advertising campaign in the market of the United States of America” was published on the e-naročanje website, in the “public procurement of small value” section.

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10. 8. 2016

A public call to carry out a media mix within advertising campaigns in the French, Swiss, and Polish markets

We would like to notify you that on 10 August 2016, “a public procurement of small value for the implementation of a media mix within an advertising campaign in the French, Swiss, and Polish markets” was published on the e-naročanje website, in the “public procurement of small value” section.

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22. 3. 2016

A public call to submit bids for the promotion of tourist packages of the Slovenian tourist sector

The Slovenian Tourist Board hereby publishes a public call to submit bids to promote tourist packages of the Slovenian tourist sector with the purpose of promoting Slovenian tourist offerings and selling specific tourist services directly to providers.


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