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Stories from Slovenia

Green Scheme of Slovenian tourism

Get to know the green scheme

The Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism (GSST) is a tool developed at the national level and a certification programme that carries out the following tasks under the SLOVENIA GREEN umbrella brand:

  • brings together all efforts directed towards the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia,
  • offers tools to destinations and service providers that enable them to evaluate and improve their sustainability endeavours
  • and promotes these green endeavours through the Slovenia Green brand.

Slovenia Green

More than 100 ways for visiting Slovenia in a more sustainable manner! Choose from destinations, accommodations, parks, agencies, attractions, restaurants and beaches that have been awarded the Slovenia Green certificate.















Take a tour through our green story

Watch the interactive video and get to know some of the most interesting facts and green stories that reveal the sustainable path of Slovenia.

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Take a tour through our green story

Take a tour through our green story

Watch the interactive video and get to know some of the most interesting facts and green stories that reveal the sustainable path of Slovenia.

More on: Take a tour through our green story

Slovenia Green members

To obtain the Slovenia Green Destination label (Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum), the destinations must meet the Green Destinations Standard criteria, while providers first obtain/present one of internationally recognised labels that are also verified by Slovenia Green in order to obtain Slovenia Green.


Slovenia's green story

The new promotional documentary Slovenia Green presents Slovenia's green story and, through the stories of locals, destination representatives and tourism providers, tells viewers that Slovenia is a safe destinations with a sustainable offer and unspoilt nature.



Recognitions and awards

The recognitions and awards received by the Slovenian Green Tourism Scheme have also significantly contributed to the increased recognisability and the growing reputation of Slovenia and individual destinations. 

Slovenia was named 5th in the top 10 countries to visit in 2022, according to world-leading travel publisher Lonely Planet. More

At the virtual event Global Green Destinations Days 2021, seven Slovenian destinations were included in the Top 100 Destination Sustainability Stories list. More

STB received the Sustainable Top 100 Destination Awards in the Best of Europe 2020 category for introducing sustainable models in tourism at the national level. More

Virtuoso, the leading association in the luxury and boutique travel industry in the world, declared Slovenia the hottest destination of the year. 2019 More

Virtuoso, a leading association in the world in the luxury and boutique travel industry, nominated the Slovenian Tourist Board for the tourist board of 2018 and 2019. More

STB received four gold and two silver Golden City Gate Awards for Excellence at ITB Berlin for promotional and communication tools in tourism. More

Slovenia’s 'Healthy waters' campaign received the golden award in the 'Best in Wellness' category at the WTM London 2018. More

• At the ITB Berlin 2018 tourism trade show, the Slovenian Tourist Board received the Sustainable Destinations 2018 award in the Best of the Planet – Best of Europe category. Destinations with the Slovenia Green Destination label within the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism and Ljubljana and Podčetrtek, as the holders of this golden label, were the winners in the Best of Europe category at the Global Top 100 Sustainable Destinations Awards. More

At the ITB Berlin tourism trade show, Slovenia was given the distinguished World Legacy Destination Leadership Award by National Geographic for its sustainable destination management. More

Slovenia was declared the first Green Country in the World at the ‘Global Green Destinations Day,’ which was held in Ljubljana. More

  1. Slovenia was declared the first Green Country in the World at the Global Green Destinations Day in 2016.

  2. Slovenia was named 5th in the top 10 countries to visit in 2022, according to world-leading travel publisher Lonely Planet.

  3. Slovenia has been named one of the 12 most sustainable destinations for 2022 by Conde Nast Traveller magazine.

  4. At the Global Green Destinations Days 2021, seven Slovenian destinations were included in the Top 100 Destination Sustainability Stories list, Bohinj, Logarska dolina-Solčavsko, Rogla-Pohorje, Ljubljana, Miren Kras, dolina Soče in Ajdovščina.

  5. STB received bronze prize The Golden City Gate (ITB Berlin 2020) for the promotional film Slovenia Green. The story green Slovenia in the eco tourism category.

  6. At the Global Green Destinations Days 2020, nine Slovenian destinations were included in the Top 100 Destination Sustainability Stories list.

  7. The Italian magazine Weekend Premium Awards has awarded Slovenia the Green Europe prize for the development and promotion of sustainable tourism in the Weekend Premium Awards 2020.

  8. STB received the Sustainable Top 100 Destination Awards in the Best of Europe 2020 category for introducing sustainable models in tourism at the national level.

  9. The Global Green Destinations Days 2019 (GGDD) conference saw the unveiling of this year's list of the Top 100 Sustainable Destinations in the World. The list includes 31 destinations from Slovenia's Green Tourism Scheme (GTS), all of which have been awarded the Slovenia Green Destination label. Ljubljana, Bled, Komen, Podčetrtek, Rogaška Slatina, Bela Krajina, Bohinj, Brda, Brežice, Hrplje Kozina, Idrija, Kamnik, Koper, Kranjska Gora, Laško, Lenart, Maribor, Miren – Kostanjevica, Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Postojna, Ptuj, Radlje ob Dravi, Šentjur, Sevnica, Škofja Loka, Slovenj Gradec, Šmarješke Toplice, Solčava, Sveta Ana, Vipavska dolina.  

  10. At ITB Berlin 2019, based on the assessment of an international jury, some destinations with the Slovenia Green Label were awarded the honourable mentions of the best in sustainable practices in the Sustainable Top 100 Destinations awards. Ljubljana – with the best sustainable practice of the Local Food Exchange – won the Best in Cities category, while Bled came second in the Best in Europe. category.   

Slovenia Green Association 

Experience green Slovenia is collection of adventures for conscious travellers who want to leave a positive impact on their destination while enjoying themselves. 

Experience green Slovenia


Stories of the Slovenia Green label winners

Listen to the green story of Slovenia and take a closer look at the most sustainable destinations and accommodation providers, learn about the champions in sustainable cuisine and see which green agencies should be entrusted with organising the most sustainable travel arrangements.

A green story of Slovenia

Slovenia is a pioneer in the field of strategic sustainable tourism development on a national level. Over 270 Slovenian destinations and tourism service providers have successfully obtained the Slovenia Green label, which reflects their sustainable approach and responsible behaviour towards the environment. Discover your favourite green corners and experiences and join us in creating a better future.

More on: A green story of Slovenia

A green story of Slovenia

A green story of Slovenia

Slovenia is a pioneer in the field of strategic sustainable tourism development on a national level. Over 270 Slovenian destinations and tourism service providers have successfully obtained the Slovenia Green label, which reflects their sustainable approach and responsible behaviour towards the environment. Discover your favourite green corners and experiences and join us in creating a better future.

More on: A green story of Slovenia

Destinations led by green ideas

Destinations led by green ideas

The mosaic of Slovenia’s green story is made up of individual pieces that form a model of responsible preservation of natural and cultural heritage and attitude towards the environment. The most sustainably aspiring destinations bear the platinum and the golden Slovenia Green label. Destinations with a silver or bronze label are on a good way to follow the green path.

More on: Destinations led by green ideas

Responsible and comfortable – choose green accommodation

Responsible and comfortable – choose green accommodation

Hotels and tourist farms provide it. Camps, glamping resorts and spas provide it, too. And it is also provided by a range of other accommodation options that not only offer comfortable beds and food, but think more broadly about their place in the environment. With all the responsibility to future generations. Choose accommodation with the Slovenia Green label and contribute a piece to the mosaic of sustainability.

More on: Responsible and comfortable – choose green accommodation

Restaurants with the Slovenia Green sustainability label

Restaurants with the Slovenia Green sustainability label

Slovenian cuisine is based on ingredients found in our immediate surroundings. Modern approaches to cuisine combine with elements of culinary tradition. Discover restaurants, recipients of the Slovenia Green label, which put sustainability at the forefront in the creation of their specialities. 

More on: Restaurants with the Slovenia Green sustainability label

Follow the Slovenia Green labels on the interactive map

Slovenia offers a total of 58 destinations, 121 accommodation providers, 4 natural parks, 9 agencies, 10 attractions, 46 restaurants and 2 beaches, which comply with the green strategy and pride themselves on having obtained the Slovenia Green label. Find them on the interactive map and follow the green story of Slovenia on tourist pages.

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It’s time for green

Spread the green idea with us. Select your green destination, green provider, visit green parks and find green agencies.

Publications on sustainability

Check out the latest publications on sustainability with additional information about the green scheme and destinations and providers with the Slovenia Green label.

Green Adventures

Slovenia Green

Slovenia Green News

To get more information about the Green Scheme of Tourism, please contact:

Maša Klemenčič
Research, Development, Innovation, and EU Projects Department
phone no: +386 1 589 85 63
e-mail: masa.klemencic@slovenia.info

Green Adventures

This guide to green experiences introduces you to nine green destinations where you can spend a truly green holiday in one place.

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