Economic significance of tourism in Slovenia, Europe, and the world


The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) publishes reports on the economic significance of tourism for individual countries, including Slovenia. In 2020 in Slovenia, the total contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product (GDP) accounted for 6.5 % of the total GDP. The total number of people employed by the tourism industry in 2020 represents 10.6 % of all employment, which accounts for 94,100 jobs.

Read more in the report




In 2020, the total contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product of Europe accounts for 4.9 % of the total GDP. According to WTTC in 2020 the total number of employees in tourism in Europe represents 9.3 % of all employment, which accounts for 34,87 million jobs.

Read more in the report


In 2020, the total contribution of tourism accounted for 5.5 % of the total GDP. WTTC estimates the total number of employees in tourism on a global scale in 2020 covered 272 million jobs (1 in 11 jobs).

Read more in the report

Tourism satellite account

Tourism satellite accounts are an internationally recognised tool for measuring tourism activity and the contribution of tourism to the economy of a particular country. Contrary to the usual statistical data on tourism, which tends to focus on tourist flows, satellite accounts enable an estimate of the monetary value of tourism for the economy.

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) published the results of new calculations regarding the economic significance of tourism for 2015 and 2017. These calculations were made using the Tourism Satellite Accounts method.

Economic calculations for 2015 and 2017


Also see other important statistical data and studies in tourism.

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