Overview of the 2019 tourist year

In 2019 we recorded 6.2 milion tourist arrivals and 15.7 overnight stays, which is 5 % more arrivals and 0,5 % more overnight stays than in 2018. Foreign tourists generated more than 11 million overnight stays (72 % share of all) and 4.7 million arrivals (75.5 % share of arrivals), that is 1.7 % more overnight stays and 6.3 % more arrivals than foreign tourists created in 2018. Domestic tourists generated 4.4 million overnight stays and 1.5 million arrivals, which is 2.5 % less overnight stays and 1.3 % more arrivals than in 2018.

Statistical data 2019 - monthly, yearly (Final data)


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Overview of the 2018 tourist year

In the year 2018 Slovenian tourism marked record numbers. The number of international arrivals continued and Slovenia was yet again above the European average. In 2018 we achieved 5.93 milion tourist arrivals and 15.69 overnight stays, which is 8 % more arrivals and 10 % more overnight stays than in 2017.

Statistical data 2018 - monthly, yearly (Final data)

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