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Stories from Slovenia

Certificate Socially Responsible Employer

Inclusion of the Slovenian Tourist Board in the project Certificate Socially Responsible Employer

In July 2020, the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) successfully joined the process for co-financing the accession certificate Socially Responsible Employer, namely for the implementation of activities for social responsibility and sustainable development funded by the European Social Fund. With this we want to upgrade the Family Friendly Enterprise full certificate with the field of organizational management. 

Through its activities, the project verifies and improves socially responsible management of companies and organizations, with a strong emphasis on accountability towards employees. Using the principles of sustainable development, the project addresses both social as well as environmental challenges and offers organizations measures that will reduce the negatives and increase the positive impacts on the economy, society and the environment.

The promoter of the project is the Ekvilib Institute together with project partners of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia and the Association of Employers of Slovenia.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and is carried out through a Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities public call. The Project is executed in citing  under  the 8th priority axis "Promoting employment and supporting transnational labour mobility", 8.3 investment priority "Active and healthy ageing", 8.3.1 of the specific objective "Extending and improving the working activity of older people involved in actions" of the Operational Programme for the implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy for the period 2014-2020. 


Climate Change and Slovenian Tourism

The guide includes the latest findings relating to the measures for reducing the carbon footprint in transport, experiences, organisation of travels and gastronomy tourism. In doing so, it points to the necessary hierarchy of measures for climate change mitigation: considering the current capabilities, offsetting is only the last resort, and one that has been heavily criticised for greenwashing.. It is first necessary to find options to avoid the generation of emissions, then reduce the emissions with optimal use and, thirdly, seek alternatives in renewable energy sources.

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Slovenian Tourist Board signs the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism

By signing the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism, the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) has committed to actively contribute to the fight against climate change and the achieve climate goals by 2050.

The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism represents a significant commitment by the tourism industry to tackle climate change and advance sustainability. Launched during the 26th UN Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow in 2021, this initiative, spearheaded by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the One Planet Network, acknowledges the tourism sector's pivotal role in addressing climate change. It underscores the industry's dedication to curbing its carbon footprint, enhancing environmental conservation, and advocating responsible tourism practices.

MSc. Maja Pak, director of the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB), highlighted during the signing of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism: "The STB proudly joins over 800 signatories of the Glasgow Declaration, all committed to halving emissions by 2030 and achieving zero emissions by 2050. Slovenia stands as a destination dedicated to sustainable development, crafting tourism products with the smallest possible carbon footprint, characterized by a strong local essence and increased value for all stakeholders. Through the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism, the STB takes on a significant role in guiding its partners in Slovenian tourism toward sustainability. Simultaneously, we acknowledge that the responsibility of fostering green, sustainable tourism in Slovenia extends to everyone, and we are commited to act in an environmentally and nature-friendly manner. Signing the Glasgow Declaration marks a new, crucial step on this path."

Among the signatories of the declaration is also the European Travel Commission (ETC), of which the STB is also a member. ETC has recently formed a working group dedicated to climate action in tourism, designed to assist national tourism organizations. This group serves as a climate-focused think tank and offers strategic guidance. The STB is an active member of this expert commission and, in collaboration with the ETC, will develop its climate action plan, with a 12-month timeline for its completion.


Sustainability report of the Slovenian Tourist Board 2022 and 2023

We have issued our second sustainability report, which is a key part of our efforts to improve transparency and a reflection of our commitment to the environment and society-friendly development of Slovenian tourism. In doing so, our basis is our own activities and impact on the social and natural environment, while we are aware of the broader impact that we have on the sustainable operation of providers in the Slovenian tourism industry. We approach the development of sustainable tourism with responsibility and commitment, which is why we are pro-active creators and promoters of sustainable tourism in Slovenia. 

The sustainability report for 2022–2023 follows the development strategy of Slovenian tourism for the 2022–2028 period, which strives to develop balanced, green and boutique tourism by creating higher added value. At the same time, by actively monitoring of tourist flows and including key stakeholders in the tourism industry, we at the STB measure not only our own impacts, but also promote the sustainable development of Slovenian tourism as a whole by means of a development policy and adopted measures and goals.

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Sustainability report of the Slovenian Tourist Board 2022 and 2021

The Slovenian Tourist Board has set out the path of sustainable tourism as the only possible way forward. We do this based on our own actions and impact on the social and natural environment, while at the same time we are aware of the wider impact we have on the sustainability of Slovenian tourism entities. We approach the development of sustainable tourism with responsibility and commitment, which is why we are pro-active creators and promoters of sustainable tourism in Slovenia. We present our management, economic, social and environmental strategic approaches, activities and impacts in our first Sustainability Report (y. 2020 and 2021). 

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A group of employees from key areas participated in the preparation of the sustainability report, and the implementation of the sustainability report was led by Alenka Malenšek Breznik, Head of the Department of Legal Affairs, HR and Technical Services. The report is prepared in accordance with the basic version of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards.


Since its beginnings, the Slovenian Tourist Board has been working to develop boutique, non-mass tourism, which brings positive social and economic effects. Through systemic solutions, it encourages partners to preserve the environment, as it is a key value in tourism. The fact is that without planned sustainable development, Slovenia cannot defend value for the local population, the tourist economy and the guest in the long term.

Already in 2012, when preparing a national tourism strategy with all the key partners of Slovenian tourism, we committed to ensuring that tourism in Slovenia is fully based on sustainable development. Over the past few years, the participants and co-creators of Slovenian tourism have reached an extremely broad consensus on the need to make all tourism development sustainable. This means being environmentally friendly, protective of national and local culture and aimed at maintaining social balance in terms of prosperity for every individual, society and country.

At the Slovenian Tourist Board, we will continue with measures for the sustainable development of Slovenian tourism. We will further develop and promote the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism, the national programme and certification scheme, which under the umbrella mark SLOVENIA GREEN:

  • combines all efforts for the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia,
  • provides actual tools for destinations and providers to assess and improve sustainable operations,
  • through the Slovenia Green brand, it promotes this green operation.


Green Scheme of Slovenian tourism


This year one of the key activities with which the Slovenian Tourist Board quickly reacted to the new reality as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic was the preparation of responsible travel standards with the GREEN&SAFE label. GREEN&SAFE label represents a commitment to responsible, green and safe tourism, marking and highlighting high hygiene standards and protocols and sustainable recommendations for tourist providers and destinations. The manual for responsible, safe and sustainable business of providers and destinations will be regularly updated and upgraded.



The most pressing issues in the field of sustainable development will be boldly addressed and evaluated in the form of measurable objectives in the years to come. A so-called roadmap is under way to address the challenges:

  • waste reduction with a focus on single-use plastics,
  • a higher share of local and seasonal dishes in the hotel and catering offer,
  • strengthening cooperation between stakeholders in tourism planning, with a focus on the local population.



The objectives will be established at national level and in a way that motivates and rewards the entire tourism economy.   In 2020, destinations that have acquired the SLOVENIA GREEN destination label under the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism cover 80% of all tourist arrivals. In the future strategic period, we continue to follow the goal of becoming a 100% green country.


The success of our activities is measured annually by the Survey on satisfaction of partners with the work of the Slovenian Tourist Board. In 2019, the area of sustainable development (Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism, European Destinations of Excellence, etc.) was rated as one of the three most important areas of STB action and with an average score of 4,14 on the 5-stepscale , the 5th highest rated WTO activity among 14 activities. We will try to improve that assessment.

The Slovenian Tourist Board will in accordance with its operational values strive to strengthen and develop the area of sustainable development, including the health and well-being of the country, cooperate intensively with stakeholders from the tourist economy, act in accordance with applicable legislation and international operating norms and as a holder of the title “World’s First Green Destination” to promote also the sustainable development of tourism at European level. The Slovenian Tourist Board is namely working to establish a European Green Scheme also within the European Travel Commission organization. In 2020, at the initiative of the Slovenian Tourist Board, a framework for the development of such a scheme will be established.

Our mode of operation

Values of the Slovenian Tourist Board

Mag. Maja Pak, Director of the Slovenian Tourist Board

Family-Friendly Organisation

We are proud that in May 2017 the Slovenian Tourist Board became a fully-certified Family-Friendly Company.

We are an organisation that identifies with the principles of the certificate and believes in its employees. In accordance with our sustainable focus, we would like to act responsibly in all areas. The sustainable development of tourism represents environmental, climate, economic, and social responsibility. We begin with ourselves and we act responsibly towards our employees.

We wish for the family-friendly policies in the organisation to contribute to increasing the motivation of employees, greater loyalty to the organisation, and greater productivity. Since 2008, over 250 Slovenian companies and organisations have joined the certification process and we are proud to be a part of this group. A successful career and family are not incompatible, and they are not mutually exclusive, but they complement each other through synergies.

The Slovenian Tourist Board, the umbrella national organisation for the planning and implementation of promotion of Slovenia as a tourist destination, is among the first recipients of the Family-Friendly Certificate – not just among public institutions but among tourism industry organisations too, in this way proving that as well as ensuring the green and sustainable development of Slovenian tourism, it knows how to listen to the wishes of staff with regard to the balancing of work and family obligations. We are well aware that the dynamics of work in the tourism sector mean that the latter are often neglected, so in 2010 we adopted 16 family-friendly measures

These measures relate to working hours, the organisation of work, information and communication policy, management skills, human resources development and family services. 

STB director Maja Pak: "We have tackled the outlined activities very responsibly because we are aware that for staff a family-friendly approach means increased motivation for work, a greater sense of belonging to the organisation, better productivity, greater job satisfaction and a reduction of stress." 


We hope that this Family-Friendly Certificate will encourage more tourism companies, associations and organisations to ensure themselves a competitive advantage through corporate social responsibility, an area that includes the introduction of a family-friendly policy. We firmly believe that by increasing the job satisfaction of the over 40,000 tourism workers in Slovenia, we can ensure an even higher level of quality of tourism services and hospitality for all tourists who visit Slovenia.

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