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Stories from Slovenia

Green and Healthy Slovenia Friendly Office

Green and Healty Slovenia Friendly Office

The whole Slovenian tourism industry, from Goričko to Piran, owes the attractiveness of its tourist offer to unspoilt nature and a clean environment, which are increaingly appreciated by domestic and foreign guests. However, they are threatened every day by industrial and economic activies and modern life. Slovenias have always valued nature and preserved it for ourselved. For posterity, for visitors and tourist. The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) is leading Slovenian tourism partner on the path of sustainability with a great deal of responsibility through the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism. And as the folk saying wisely dictates, "First sweep your own doorstep", so we already started to change our business back in 2008, leading to responsible management of the environment and nature in Slovenia, because we feel Slovenia. We don't want to be part of the problem, but par of the solution. We are updating our succesful project in 2021 with the desire to transfer the care for the environment, which starts in the office, to the Slovenian tourism industry as a whole. 

Let's act responsibly

We warmly invite all destinations and companies to join the Green and Healthy Slovenia Friendly Office project to prove together that tourism is part of solution.

We have addressed all five areas we can influence while working in the office while simultaneously transferring green habits to the home enviroment. Everyone counts!






Green and healthy Slovenia friendly office brochure

The handbook provides guidelines for operating in offices. it includes guidelines regarding single-use plastics, zero-waste operations, using alternative material, and taking care of the well-being of employees. the manual gives us practical advice on how to act more sustainably and with the future of our planet in mind.


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