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Stories from Slovenia

DST 2018 - Plenary Session


Plenary Session

Grand hotel Bernardin, Europa hall

In the central Plenary Session, after the introductory examination of projects aimed at realising the objectives of the current strategy and an analysis of the performance indicators of the Slovenian hotel sector, we will focus on priorities, strategies and measures to make a breakthrough and achieve a higher price position and to increase added value in Slovenian tourism. 

Tuesday, 09. October 2018 

12.00 - 13.00

Registration of participantsGrand hotel Bernardin lobby 

13.00 - 13.45

Let’s activate valueEuropa hall

  • Realization of the Strategy for Sustainable Growth of Slovenian Tourism 2017-2021Zdravko Počivalšek, Minister of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia

  • Projects of the Tourism and Hospitality Chamber of Slovenia to increase added value in the Slovenian tourist industryAndrej Prebil, Chairman of the Tourism and Hospitality Chamber of Slovenia 

  • Slovenia, destination for 5* experiencesMaja Pak, M.Sc., Director, Slovenian Tourist Board 

13.45 - 14.10

Analysis of performance indicators, added value and price positioning of the hotel sector in Slovenia in the 2008-2017 periodPeter Vesenjak, Hosting d.o.o.

Has the hotel sector created sufficient added value during the period of the growth of demand and physical indicators to guarantee competitiveness in the target markets of the future? Business results and the prices achieved in the sector in the preceding period pose great challenges to the hotel sector for achieving objectives.


14.10 - 14.30

Valamar Business Growth & Development Strategy, Ivana Budin Arhanić, Vice President of Business Development and Corporate Affairs, Valamar Riviera d. d.

Valamar Riviera d. d. is Croatia’s largest and fastest growing tourism company, the most attractive employer in tourism sector, the biggest investor in touristic assets, products and services and an innovator in destination development, digitalization, corporate social responsibility and service excellence.

14.30 - 15.00

Adding Smart Value to HospitalityDoug Lansky, Senior Consultant in Hospitality

Travel, like almost all industries, is in a constant state of transition. That means no matter how much success you have achieved, the same strategy that worked yesterday to get you there is unlikely to carry you to the place you'd like to be.

15.00 - 15.30

 Coffee break

15.30 - 17.00

Round table with Mr. Peter Vesenjak: “Achieving higher added value in the hotel industry”

Increasing added value is the key challenge in the sustainable growth of Slovenian tourism. The round table will focus on business models, circumstances, levers and necessary measures to reach more demanding customers who are willing to spend more money, thus achieving a higher average price.

  • Zdravko Počivalšek, Minister of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia 
  • Siniša Topalović, Managing partner, Horwath HTL 
  • Sandi Kovačević, Director, Hotel Cubo 
  • Gregor Jamnik, Director, Hotel Slon & Chairman of Slovenian Hotel Association
  • Tomislav Čeh, Senior consultant, PKF hotelexperts

18.00 - 19.30

Participation at the closing ceremony of the 65th Catering and Tourism Assembly of Slovenia


Meet the speakers



DST team
Slovenska turistična organizacija

Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: +386 (0)1 589 85 37 E: dst@slovenia.info

W: www.slovenia.info/dst

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