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Stories from Slovenia

21st Slovenian Tourism Forum


Slovenian Tourism Forum

Grand hotel Bernardin, Europa hall

21. The Slovenian Tourist Forum will be devoted to the design of products, creative approaches, strategies and technologies to increase added value in tourism 4.0

Wednesday, 10. October 2018

08.00 - 08.30

Registration of participantsGrand hotel Bernardin lobby 

08.15 - 09.00

Morning coffee and Istrian breakfast, Europa Hall lobby

Why not just come to GH Bernardin for breakfast? The winning team of the tourism hackathon of 2017 will serve you an Istrian breakfast and present 5 experiences in Slovenian Istria. 

09.00 – 09.10

Opening address:

Maja Pak, M.Sc., Director, Slovenian Tourist Board

Eva Štravs Podlogar, MGRT

Value Through Products & Experiences

09.10 - 09.50



“How do you feel Slovenia?”

Presentation of the new communication platform of Slovenia as a tourist destination under the ‘I feel Slovenia’ brand, Tomaž Apohal, Yootree communication agency and Miša Novak, STB

A new solution has put genuine Slovenian experiences with a higher added value into the forefront. They actively involve visitors searching for authenticity and new forms of luxury when travelling. It effectively upgrades the story of green, active and healthy Slovenia and, with its breadth, sets up a long-term communication platform to support the vision of Slovenia as a green boutique destination for 5-star experiences.

09.50 - 10.35

The future of destination managementFrank Cuypers, Strategic Consultant, Destination Think!

New roles of destination management organisations (DMO), new tools, approaches and strategies. Achieving higher prices and consumption through experiences.

10.35 - 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 - 11.40

Design management, Miha Klinar, Competence Centre for Design Management 2.0

Integration of design management in strategies and business processes to increase competitiveness and added value illustrated with the example of Adria dom.

11.40 - 12.00

Emerging Trends in Luxury TravelKaryn McCarthy, Product Development Director, Virtuoso

What the discerning luxury traveler wants now – from hotel trends, destinations and unique experiences and how Slovenia can best capture this market.  Some of best practices and the value the travel advisor (and our network) brings to your suppliers.

12.00 - 12.20

How small investments can deliver big returnsPadraic Gilligan, Managing Partner, SoolNua  

MICE or Business Events are an important channel for generating tourism revenues. In fact, in some destinations Business Events have been shown to generate as much as 4 times more per visitor than a leisure tourist.

12.20 - 12.35

Mastercard platform Priceless cities: Praga, Tomáš Doležal, Mastercard Czech Republic

Unique experiences in over 87 selected destinations around the world presented through the example of Priceless Prague. What do you have to do to have your experience included on the global platform?

12.35 - 12.50

Positive effects of cashless business, Jaka Gornik, FM agencija

At the Kurzschluss cashless festival, they increased the volume of sales and the value of individual visitor’s average purchases by introducing the possibility of cashless payment, and improved the user experience with the Kurzschluss brand.

12.50 - 13.30

Moderated discussion, titled ‘How to activate value?’ with Mrs. Maja Uran Maravić

Eva Štravs Podlogar, MGRT
Janko Humar, managing director, Turizem Dolina Soče
Igor Jagodic, chef, Restaurant Strelec, Kaval Group


13.30 - 15.30

Lunch break

Tourism Of The Future & Modern Technologies

15.30 - 16.00

The future of digital marketing is dictated by new technologies, Alenka Pahor Žvanut, STB

New strategic marketing decisions will be based on analytic data for building segments. They will play a decisive role in the designing of advertising campaigns.  They will create content customised to individuals.

16.00 - 16.20

Traditional ways of doing business are gone, Mark Kalin, BTC d.d.

The influence of new disruptive technologies and business models on traditional ways of doing business, which also change and upgrade our relationships.

16.20 - 16.40

Blockchain in tourism: The future or a passing phenomenon? Žiga Lukša, Futourist

Can a web platform which rewards users for their assessments change the development of tourism for ever and thus threaten tourism giants such as TripAdvisor?

Meet the speakers



DST team
Slovenska turistična organizacija

Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: +386 (0)1 589 85 37 E: dst@slovenia.info

W: www.slovenia.info/dst

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