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Stories from Slovenia

DST 2018 - Creative Café

Creative Café

Grand Hotel Bernardin, Sunset lounge

In the Creative Café, we will present this year’s Snovalec award winners and innovative ideas, which were realised by last year’s winners of the tourism hackathon. The best three concepts for digital applications for this year’s hackathon, titled “Kulturna pustolovščina na dlani” (Cultural Adventure at a Glance) will also be presented.

Tuesday, 9. October 2018

17.30 - 17.45

 ‘Cultural adventure at your fingertips’, STB in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, MK, WTO, IBM, Microsoft, GDI, XLAB, Comtrade, Oracle and ABC Accelerator

The presentation of the best three conceptual solutions or digital applications which will enable improved promotion and greater visibility of cultural heritage and tourism by using the National Open Data Portal OPSI.

17.45 - 18.00

Snovalec 2018 Award – ceremony and presentation of plaques

18.00 - 18.20

Opportunities for creators and companies to cooperate, Anja Zorko, Centre for Creativity

18.20 - 18.40

Creativity and tourism, Mika Cimolini, Centre for creativity

18.40 - 19.00

From idea to realisation – mentoring the winning teams in last year's tourist hackathon

  • Istrian breakfast – taste the local treats. The delivery of a local breakfast to accommodation facilities in Slovenian Istria with coupons for 5 local experiences.
  • Thermana and Storytellers from Laško: “Change the course of history! Dare you?” Learn about the unfortunate love of Friderik and Veronika and change the course of history through an active VR experience to finally help them find their happiness.


From idea to realisation

Hackathon winners 2017.

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More information

More information about Days of Slovenian Tourism.

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Ekipa DST
Slovenska turistična organizacija

Dimičeva ulica 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: +386 (0)1 589 85 37 E: dst@slovenia.info

W: www.slovenia.info/dst

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