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Jubilee 20th Edition of the Slovenian Incoming Workshop


Jubilee 20th Edition of the Slovenian Incoming Workshop

The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) has been organising the flagship event of the Slovenian tourist industry for twenty years. Featuring prearranged meetings between Slovenian tourism providers and foreign tour operators, the Slovenian Incoming Workshop (SIW) is an opportunity to strengthen successful partnerships and encourage new connections.This edition of SIW takes place in Ljubljana from 11 to 13 May. The programme also includes study tours through which foreign participants can discover the various destinations and tourism products that Slovenia has to offer.  

SIW represents a unique opportunity to present Slovenia's tourism offering to foreign tour operators, travel agents and specialised agencies, and other interested groups.  Leading representatives of Slovenian tourism companies and organisations, hotels, tourist agencies, health resorts, the public tourism sector, conference centres and other operators in the tourism sector introduce themselves via prearranged 20-minute business meetings, while the informal meetings organised by the STB during SIW offer further opportunities for networking and discussions.


This year's 20th SIW takes place in Ljubljana. Participants include 220 representatives of the Slovenian tourism sector from a total of 130 companies and 188 representatives of 146 companies from other countries.

Of the foreign participants, 67% are attending SIW for the first time. They come from 42 countries, with the largest numbers coming from the Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Germany, the United Kingdom and Croatia. This year also sees the first participants from Lebanon. SIW is also attended by companies from other continents, with representatives arriving from Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, the USA and elsewhere. We expect at least 3,000 business meetings to take place during SIW.

The 20th edition of SIW officially began on Thursday, 11 May with a "Welcome to Ljubljana" evening. The main event takes place on Friday, 12 May, at the Grand Hotel Union. The official opening of SIW, at which participants were welcomed by Eva Štravs Podlogar, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, STB Director Maja Pak and Union Hotels General Manager Tomo Čeh, was followed by business meetings. Today's activities will end with a Slovenian evening at Ljubljana Castle.

Another important component of SIW are the study tours. These "field trips" give participants the opportunity to discover the various destinations and tourism products that Slovenia has to offer. This year a grand tour before the official start of SIW took participants to Slovenia's biggest tourist attractions. They will have a further opportunity to get to know our country on four different themed tours after SIW officially closes. The themes of the tours are the natural riches of Slovenia, wellness, outdoor activities and Plečnik's Ljubljana (including discovering local cuisine).

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For more information about SIW visit: https://www.slovenia.info/en/business/business-events/slovenian-incoming-workshop-siw-2017


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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