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Slovenia is ready to welcome tourists


Slovenia is ready to welcome tourists

As precautory anti-Covid measures have been released by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB), together with key partners, has intensified promotional activities to invite foreign visitors to Slovenia and spend their holidays here.

The aim is to strengthen the visibility of Slovenia as a destination that, based on high security standards, takes care of safe experiences and remains sustainable boutique destination for innovative 5-star experiences.

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has released the precautory anti-Covid measures, meaning that the restaurants in the so-called orange-coloured regions are allowed to open their gardens and terraces, as well as indoor spaces in the yellow-coloured regions. Also, from this Monday on, accommodation providers can open up to 30 rooms, regardless of their size. The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB), together with key partners, has intensified promotional activities to invite foreign visitors to visit Slovenia and to spend their holidays here. Thus, a number of virtual fairs, exhibitions and presentations of Slovenia to foreign travel organizers and the media have taken place. The hope for a gradual revival of tourist flows has also been given by the announcement of the Digital Green Certificate.

On this occassion, MSc. Maja Pak, the director of the STB, highlights the activities, which encourage foreign guests, especially from the nearby emitting markets, to take vacation in Slovenia and discover the country: “The first steps towards the resumption of tourism give us hope for a quick re-establishment of tourist flows and the recovery of tourism as one of the most important industries. Throughout the crisis, the Slovenian Tourist Board has carried out situation-adapted communication activities on foreign and domestic markets, which have now been upgraded and strengthened, as the restrictions have released. In the light of changed travel habits, guests are in search of a non-mass, healthy and safe holiday destinations. Therefore, active experiences in unspoiled nature are being highlighted, a tourist product that has the most potential for the recovery of tourism. Health is becoming an increasingly important value as well, so we also pay special attention to the product health and well-being. Slovenia is also the holder of the European Region of Gastronomy 2021 title, which means that we also focus on inviting domestic as well as foreign guests to discover unique gastronomic experiences. Of course, safety plays a major role when choosing a holiday destination, this is why Green&Safe brand has been launched, which present safe and attractive experiences in Slovenia.”

In Slovenia, key communication activities will be combined under the central motivational campaign The Time is Now. My Slovenia. (Zdaj je čas. Moja Slovenija.), whose goal is to inspire Slovenians to spend their holiday in Slovenia and encourage the number of overnight stays and consumption of domestic guests.

The central Slovenian online portal slovenia.info – a great source of inspiration and information

Together with the Slovenian tourism industry, leading destinations and product associations and other partners, the STB has prepared a series of activities to inspire visitors to explore Slovenia and also provide them with up-to-date information with regards to the latest travel information and safety guidelines. There is a great number of publications, suggestions and ideas for unforgettable experiences available within the newsletters, the slovenia.info tourist information portal and the Feel Slovenia social media channels.

The situation regarding new cases of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is changing day by day, so monitoring up-to-date information and taking prompt action on the spread of the disease is crucial to staying healthy. The central Slovenian online portal slovenia.info is one of the key websites to follow with regards to the latest travel information and safety guidelines to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in Slovenia, as well as information about crossing the border, current situation by regions, in public transport and in tourism and hospitality establishments and other activities.

GREEN&SAFE – Commitment to responsible, green and safe tourism in Slovenia

Slovenia is a green and safe country in the heart of Europe. Moreover, the country is considered one of the most sustainable and trustworthy in the world. The global epidemic has shaken our everyday lives and world's tourism as well. This is why Slovenian Tourist Board has developed responsible travel standards that offer an upgrade of sustainable practices with a new responsibility to local communities and guests, aiming to become the common key to an even greater reputation and competitive advantage of Slovenia as a tourist destination. They are communicated with the GREEN&SAFE label.

According to a survey conducted among the Slovenian tourism industry, the promotion of Slovenia under the GREEN&SAFE label is considered one of the key promotional activities in 2020. More than 5,000 representatives of the tourism industry viewed the content published on the www.slovenia.info. The use of ready-made communication tools (among them also the RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL STANDARDS OF SLOVENIAN TOURISM manual) and the Green&Safe label can be seen in most of the 35 leading destinations and many tourism companies. What is more, over 500,000 users have read the general Green & Safe contents, published on www.slovenia.info and prepared with the aim of strengthening the trust of guests for a re-visit to Slovenia.

The fact that the Slovenian health and hygiene standards incorporated in the GREEN&SAFE Responsible Travel Standards communication platform are compliant with standardised global hygiene protocols for safe travel is also confirmed by the Safe Travels Stamp from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). In June 2020, Slovenia was among the first recipients of this stamp in the world.

A spotlight on gastronomy

In recent years, Slovenia has developed a respectable level of high cuisine and become one of the rising gastronomy stars in the world. Slovenia entered 2021 as the holder of the prestigious title of the European Region of Gastronomy (ERG), within which Slovenia pursues the goal of maintaining or strenghtening the image of a foodie destination. The Slovenian Tourist Board launched a new website TasteSlovenia.si that tells the full story of gastronomy in Slovenia and pinpoints boutique stories of innovative Slovenian chefs and winemakers.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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