I FEEL SLOVENIA. MY WAY digital campaign in 2021

In 2021, the Slovenian Tourist Board continued to implement one of its most important marketing and communication projects, the I FEEL SLOVENIA. MY WAY global digital campaign. The campaign was carried out in 17 countries to support the relaunch of Slovenian tourism – it was launched in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, the USA and Canada.

In 2021, the campaign continued to address guests with the creative concept I FEEL SLOVENIA. MY WAY, highlighting boutique experiences tailored to the individual through premium visuals, social media ads, online media articles, and Google Ads.

The global digital campaign ran from the end of May to the end of November in 2021. In six months, more than 6,000 ads were generated and more than 483 million ad impressions were counted.


The campaign was designed to raise the profile and reputation of Slovenia as a boutique destination for unique experiences and to highlight five overarching tourism products: active outdoor holidays, health and well-being, cities and culture, gastronomy and business meetings.

All Slovenian tourism products are based on safe, sustainable and green tourism. The target groups addressed by the digital campaign were established based on current interests, demographics and market needs. The main objective of the global digital campaign was to boost tourist arrivals to Slovenia. The campaign also pursued the objective of reviving safe tourism flows in the current global situation.

The global digital campaign included intensive targeted advertising on digital channels with the highest reach. A total of 19 ad formats were used for advertising, namely Facebook Lead, Video and Link Ads, Messenger Ads, Instagram Image and Story Ads, LinkedIn Carousel, Video and Image Lead Ads, Twitter Image and Video Ads, Pinterest Image and Video Ads, Google Display, Gmail and search engine ads, YouTube Video Ads, and Performance Max and Discovery Ads.

Results of the global digital campaign promotion on key online channels in 2021

Content advertising

The global digital campaign relied heavily on content marketing, which was carried out with the help of some of the most important global media, including the BBC, der Spiegel, der Standard, il Corriere, la Repubblica, Vanity Fair, Politiken and many other general and specialised online media. With regard to the specialised media, we cooperated with interest groups to select those online media that have excellent reach among the target groups for individual tourism products, such as Bike-holidays.com, Geo.de, Wandern.ch, Gusto.at, Wanderlust.co.uk, Outdooractive.de and others.

During the three months of advertising, 43 content advertising projects were developed and carried out on media with exceptional reach and impact. In total, 295,335 sponsored articles were read.

Primer Instagram Image oglasov
Advertorials on the der Standard and der Spiegel web portal

Social networks

Ads on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest reached more than 110 million unique users in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, the USA and Canada. In terms of the number of ad impressions, the ad format that stood out was the video ad format on Facebook, which was used for advertising four Slovenian tourism products (health and well-being, active outdoor experiences, cities and culture, and gastronomy), with the highest number of impressions recorded in Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and the Benelux countries.

Primer Instagram Image oglasov
Examples of Facebook and Pinterest ads

Video advertising

Our YouTube channel had more than 50 million views, most of which were generated by viewers from Italy, Austria, the Benelux countries, Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

Examples of Facebook video and Pinterest video ads

Google Ads

Google Ads campaigns brought more than 553 thousand clicks on search ads in Google browsers. Gmail advertising generated over 2 million clicks, with the ads achieving an open rate of 99%. The highest click-through rate was recorded in the Italian market, followed by the Austrian, Benelux and other markets. This year we also tested new Google Ads formats, namely Performance Max and Discovery, which proved to be extremely successful.

Example of a Performance Max ad


Example of a Gmail ad


The global digital campaign, which ran from the beginning of June until 30 November 2021, achieved outstanding results, contributing significantly to raising the profile and reputation of Slovenia, reinforcing the message of a sustainable Slovenia and increasing the likelihood of Slovenia being chosen as a tourist destination.

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Content Digital Marketing

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Content Digital Marketing


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GREEN&SAFE – Commitment to responsible, green and safe tourism


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