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Stories from Slovenia

The objective is to create products of higher added value


The objective is to create products of higher added value

The key objectives of the 2017–2021 Strategy for the Sustainable Growth of Slovenian Tourism are to increase recognisability and promote Slovenia as a green, active and healthy destination for 5-star boutique experiences.

The key objectives of the 2017–2021 Strategy for the Sustainable Growth of Slovenian Tourism are to increase recognisability and promote Slovenia as a green, active and healthy destination for 5-star boutique experiences, increase an added value of tourism and income from the export of travels, focus on demanding visitors seeking high-quality diverse and active experiences, tranquillity and personal benefits, form innovative products of higher added value based on sustainable development, deseasonalisation, geographical dispersion of tourist flows, provision of suitable and motivated staff, improvement of flight connections and accessibility, enhanced investments and modernisation of the infrastructure.

The Slovenian Tourist Board puts the activities for the establishment of a new system of macro-destinations into forefront. The reason for establishing the macro-destinations system is to boost promotion and development of Slovenia, develop green and innovative products with higher added value, enhance the I feel Slovenia brand and focus on key markets and target groups. The STB aims to implement a clear, target-oriented, intensive modern promotion with the main focus on digital content marketing, for which almost 40% of its budget is earmarked in 2018. This will upgrade Slovenia’s visibility on social networks and in important media. Through TripAdvisor, Facebook and Instagram, the STB will implement a special campaign, whose aim is to reach one-day and transit visitors. Great attention will also be dedicated to press and social media influencer trips. In individual markets, digital marketing will supplement classical marketing, such as the advertising campaign on the high-profile Austrian TV channel, ORF 2, and on billboards in the Vienna underground.

According to Zdravko Počivalšek, Minister of Economic Development and Technology,  the Sustainable Tourism Development Act will be of great help with the promotion of Slovenia as a tourist destination:

"The Act will comprehensively govern the promotion of tourism development. A very important novelty for further development of tourism is a special promotional fee which will finance the Slovenian Tourism Board in order to market and promote comprehensive Slovenian tourist offer. This will be a long-term and stable source of financing, which will contribute to further growth of the tourism turnover. Tourism development at the level of a tourist area will continue to be the responsibility of municipalities. To this end, the Act anticipates financial resources to promote tourism development. The possibility to increase tourist tax will enable municipalities to plan tourism development more ambitiously. The conditions for implementing the activity of organising and selling tourist packages will be very simplified with regards to the applicable Act. While observing the provisions of Directive (EU) 2015/2302, certain exceptions are also determined, for which the proposed arrangements do not apply, and which will resolve current complications regarding the implementation of school excursions, associations’ trips and similar. The proposed act also regulates the vocation of a tourist guide and conditions, which a tourist guide must meet. Tourist guiding at the level of a tourist area is also regulated. All of the above will contribute to suitable presentation of our natural and cultural heritage and thus also its suitable evaluation within the tourist offer."


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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