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Stories from Slovenia

The story of salty love


The story of salty love

Slovenia is known as a green, active and healthy land, but its people also have a long tradition of living with the sea. The romantic town of Piran with picturesque medieval and Venetian architecture has developed due to the salt production at the Sečovlje salt pans. At these biggest and oldest salt pans in Slovenia, salt is still being produced in a traditional way based on a 700-year old method. When weather conditions are good, the workers produce between 50 to 60 tons of salt per day.

Sečovlje salt pans, which are also a natural park, are known for their Fleur de Sol, which is the most valuable and rare salt product, praised by the most prestigious restaurants in the world. The salt workers are each in charge of their own salt basins, for which they feel a special bond. They care for them as they would care for their own garden at home. Love, devotion and favourable weather conditions (plenty of sun that enables the water evaporation from the pans) result in a good quality salt harvest. On average, the saltpan season lasts from the first half of June to the middle of September, but the salt workers take care of their basins throughout the whole year.

This year, the first salt crystals had already appeared in the crystallisation pools in the middle of June, and the collection of the salt started around 20th June. It is still rather early for a firm estimate, but the management of Sečovlje salt pans believes that this year it could be possible to reach an average annual harvest of between 2,700 and 3,000 tons of salt.

In addition to salt making, Thalasso therapy has a long tradition too. Visit the Lepa Vida thalasso spa, which is located in the northern part of the Sečovlje Nature Park. The treatments include natural products, such as salt, fango mud, brine, algae and seawater. Salt baths are ideal for relaxation, refreshment and improving your well-being. Nature Park's beauties and the saltpan microclimate have a magical effect on you. On your way to the Lepa Vida spa, visit the interactive Museum of Salt-making, and stop by at the little shop, where you can buy the salt or special chocolate with Fleur de Sol.   


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