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December saw 4% more tourist arrivals and 1% more overnight


December saw 4% more tourist arrivals and 1% more overnight

The data for December 2013 shows that compared to December 2012 the overall number of tourist arrivals increased by 4%, with the number of foreign tourist arrivals rising by as much as 6%. 1% more overnight stays were registered than the previous year, and there was an increase in the number of overnight stays of foreign tourists. In December 2013, foreign tourists generated 53% of overnight stays in Slovenia. Most overnight stays were registered in health resorts, while foreign tourists were mostly citizens of Italy, Austria, Croatia, Germany and Russia. In 2013, foreign tourist generated 67% of arrivals, which is 4% more than in the previous year, and 62% of overnight stays, which is 3% more than in the previous year. Compared to 2012, the total number of tourist arrivals (domestic and foreign tourists) increased by 2%.

The data for December 2013 shows that compared to December 2012 the overall number of tourist arrivals increased by 4%, with the number of foreign tourist arrivals rising by as much as 6%. 1% more overnight stays were registered than the previous year, and there was an increase in the number of overnight stays of foreign tourists. In December 2013, foreign tourists generated 53% of overnight stays in Slovenia. Most overnight stays were registered in health resorts, while foreign tourists were mostly citizens of Italy, Austria, Croatia, Germany and Russia.

Most overnight stays in hotels and apartment settlements

In December 2013, most tourists stayed in hotels (71%), 7% stayed in apartment settlements, 5% in camping sites, while 4% of overnight stays were generated in private accommodations: rented rooms and dwellings.

More overnight stays in youth hostels

Compared to December 2012, December 2013 saw an increase in overnight tourist stays in youth hostels (by 29%), in private accommodations: rooms and dwellings (by 17%), in mountain huts (by 14%) and on tourist farms with accommodation (by 6%). Hotels registered 1% fewer overnight stays, while overnight stays in apartment settlements and in camping sites decreased by 2% and 6% respectively.

Among foreign tourists, most overnight stays were generated by Italian, Austrian, Croatian, German and Russian tourists

In December 2013, foreign tourists generated 53% of tourist overnight stays. Key markets, from which the most overnight stays of foreign tourists in Slovenia were recorded, were Italy (34%), Austria (12%), Croatia (11%), Germany (5%), the Russian Federation (5%) and Serbia (4%).

Fewer overnight stays of tourists from the Russian Federation

As regards the most important tourism markets, in December 2013, tourists from Austria generated 9% more overnight stays than in December 2012 while in the same comparison, tourists from Croatia generated 6% more. Tourists from the Russian Federation generated 8% fewer overnight stays, tourists from Germany 6% fewer overnight stays and tourists from Italy 4% fewer overnight stays than in December 2012.

More overnight stays of tourists from China and Canada, fewer overnight stays of Japanese tourists

In terms of tourists from overseas markets (the United States, Canada, Japan and China), December 2013 saw an increase in overnight stays of tourists from China (by 41%) and tourists from Canada (by 17%) as compared to December 2012. Japanese tourists generated 4% fewer overnight stays, while tourists from the United States generated 2% fewer overnight stays.

The highest number of overnight stays in health resorts

In December 2013, most tourist overnight stays were recorded in health resorts (40%), which is 2% more than in December of the previous year. In second place are mountain resorts with 20% of overnight stays (which is 11% less than in December 2012) and seaside resorts (the same figure as the previous year). The municipality of Ljubljana recorded 11% of all tourist overnight stays, with a 9% increase in the number of overnight stays as compared to December 2012.

More tourist arrivals in 2013

In 2013, foreign tourist generated 67% of arrivals, which is 4% more than in the previous year, and 62% of overnight stays, which is 3% more than in the previous year. Compared to 2012, the total number of tourist arrivals (domestic and foreign tourists) increased by 2%. The data for December 2013 is provisional. An overview of the statistics by month (for 2013 as well as for previous years) can be seen here.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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