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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Media Library - videos

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User selection
Number of downloads
#V000565 Number of downloads: 101

Explore Slovenia with the tourist guide - SI

#V000566 Number of downloads: 91

Explore Slovenia in the company of tour guides - EN

#V000560 Number of downloads: 63

Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 2 min

#V000561 Number of downloads: 57

Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 15 sek

#V000562 Number of downloads: 55

Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 30 sek

#V000525 Number of downloads: 117

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 2 min

#V000526 Number of downloads: 25

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

#V000527 Number of downloads: 37

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

#V000529 Number of downloads: 23

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

#V000530 Number of downloads: 19

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 30 sek

#V000431 Number of downloads: 32

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: spring in park Tivoli 36sek

#V000432 Number of downloads: 66

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 47 sek

#V000433 Number of downloads: 42

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 37 sek

#V000430 Number of downloads: 89

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Ljubljana 1min 57s

#V000427 Number of downloads: 84

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia 2.40 min

#V000397 Number of downloads: 48

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Open Kitchen in Ljubljana 15sec

#V000398 Number of downloads: 58

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Cycling though the Ljubljana city centre 15sec

#V000399 Number of downloads: 25

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: National Gallery in Ljubljana 15sec

#V000400 Number of downloads: 51

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Old castle Celje and Roman Poetovio (Ptuj) 15 sec

#V000401 Number of downloads: 74

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Food and wine in Slovenia 15 sec

Explore Slovenia with the tourist guide - SI

Explore Slovenia with the tourist guide - SI

Number of downloads: 101
Explore Slovenia in the company of tour guides - EN

Explore Slovenia in the company of tour guides - EN

Number of downloads: 91
Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 2 min

Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 2 min

Number of downloads: 63
Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 15 sek

Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 15 sek

Number of downloads: 57
Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 30 sek

Cultural experiences in in Thermal Pannonian Slovenia - 30 sek

Number of downloads: 55
Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 2 min

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 2 min

Number of downloads: 117
Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

Number of downloads: 25
Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

Number of downloads: 37
Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 15 sek

Number of downloads: 23
Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 30 sek

Gastronomy and cultural experiences in Slovenia 2019 - 30 sek

Number of downloads: 19
My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia:  spring in park Tivoli 36sek

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: spring in park Tivoli 36sek

Number of downloads: 32
My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 47 sek

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 47 sek

Number of downloads: 66
My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 37 sek

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 37 sek

Number of downloads: 42
Recommended My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Ljubljana 1min 57s

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Ljubljana 1min 57s

Number of downloads: 89
Recommended My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia 2.40 min

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia 2.40 min

Number of downloads: 84
My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Open Kitchen in Ljubljana 15sec

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Open Kitchen in Ljubljana 15sec

Number of downloads: 48
My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Cycling though the Ljubljana city centre 15sec

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Cycling though the Ljubljana city centre 15sec

Number of downloads: 58
My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: National Gallery in Ljubljana 15sec

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: National Gallery in Ljubljana 15sec

Number of downloads: 25
My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Old castle Celje and Roman Poetovio (Ptuj) 15 sec

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Old castle Celje and Roman Poetovio (Ptuj) 15 sec

Number of downloads: 51
My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Food and wine in Slovenia 15 sec

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Food and wine in Slovenia 15 sec

Number of downloads: 74