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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “sea”

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Number of downloads
#F000359 Number of downloads: 84

Regatta, Portorož

#F014568 Number of downloads: 45


#F013220 Number of downloads: 23

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

#F013221 Number of downloads: 91

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

#F013249 Number of downloads: 46

Standup paddleboarding in Istria

#F011665 Number of downloads: 75

Saltpans in Piran in summer

#F009287 Number of downloads: 86


#F008916 Number of downloads: 91

Mesečev zaliv

#F000326 Number of downloads: 18

Hikers near Strunjan with Piran in the background

#F000321 Number of downloads: 148


#F014550 Number of downloads: 206

Strunjan, Moon bay

#F013218 Number of downloads: 37

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

#F013229 Number of downloads: 78

Cylcing in Istria

#F013241 Number of downloads: 53

Standup paddleboarding in Istria

#F013247 Number of downloads: 36

Standup paddleboarding in Istria

#F013255 Number of downloads: 17

Standup paddleboarding in Istria

#F011522 Number of downloads: 16

Camper vacation on Coast

#F010628 Number of downloads: 74

Semedela promenade, wich connects the old and the new part of Koper, witha a view on the bay. Cargo ship and Dolomits in the background.

#F010632 Number of downloads: 332

Koper old town from the air

#F009295 Number of downloads: 25

Piran in autumn

Regatta, Portorož

Regatta, Portorož

Number of downloads: 84


Number of downloads: 45
With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Number of downloads: 23
With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Number of downloads: 91
Standup paddleboarding in Istria

Standup paddleboarding in Istria

Number of downloads: 46
Saltpans in Piran in summer

Saltpans in Piran in summer

Number of downloads: 75


Number of downloads: 86
Mesečev zaliv

Mesečev zaliv

Number of downloads: 91
Hikers near Strunjan with Piran in the background

Hikers near Strunjan with Piran in the background

Number of downloads: 18


Number of downloads: 148
Strunjan, Moon bay

Strunjan, Moon bay

Number of downloads: 206
With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Number of downloads: 37
Cylcing in Istria

Cylcing in Istria

Number of downloads: 78
Standup paddleboarding in Istria

Standup paddleboarding in Istria

Number of downloads: 53
Standup paddleboarding in Istria

Standup paddleboarding in Istria

Number of downloads: 36
Standup paddleboarding in Istria

Standup paddleboarding in Istria

Number of downloads: 17
Camper vacation on Coast

Camper vacation on Coast

Number of downloads: 16
Semedela promenade, wich connects the old and the new part of Koper, witha a view on the bay. Cargo ship and Dolomits in the background.

Semedela promenade, wich connects the old and the new part of Koper, witha a view on the bay. Cargo ship and Dolomits in the background.

Number of downloads: 74
Koper old town from the air

Koper old town from the air

Number of downloads: 332
Piran in autumn

Piran in autumn

Number of downloads: 25