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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “ptičja perspektiva”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F008126 Number of downloads: 52

Celje, air photo

#F003864 Number of downloads: 33

View over Laško

#F000591 Number of downloads: 71

Stozice Arena

#F008128 Number of downloads: 33

Celje, air photo

#F007771 Number of downloads: 13

Velika Goba in autumn from the air

#F008125 Number of downloads: 36

Celje, air photo

#F008218 Number of downloads: 52

Celje castle, air photo

#F007773 Number of downloads: 25

Planina pri Sevnici in autumn from the air

#F008127 Number of downloads: 52

Celje, air photo

#F008217 Number of downloads: 91

Celje castle, air photo

#F008965 Number of downloads: 33

Hiker along the vineyards in Brda

#F007843 Number of downloads: 32

Sevnica castle from the air

#F008219 Number of downloads: 167

Celje castle and Celje, air photo

#F008475 Number of downloads: 64

Kranj , air photo

#F008524 Number of downloads: 45

Kranj , air photo

#F008525 Number of downloads: 20

Kranj , air photo

#F007744 Number of downloads: 12

Autumn Sevnica from the air

#F007760 Number of downloads: 9

Castle Podsreda in autumn from the air

#F008161 Number of downloads: 141

View to Ptuj

#F008467 Number of downloads: 36

Hikers on Rogla

Celje, air photo

Celje, air photo

Number of downloads: 52
View over Laško

View over Laško

Number of downloads: 33
Stozice Arena

Stozice Arena

Number of downloads: 71
Celje, air photo

Celje, air photo

Number of downloads: 33
Velika Goba in autumn from the air

Velika Goba in autumn from the air

Number of downloads: 13
Celje, air photo

Celje, air photo

Number of downloads: 36
Celje castle, air photo

Celje castle, air photo

Number of downloads: 52
Planina pri Sevnici in autumn from the air

Planina pri Sevnici in autumn from the air

Number of downloads: 25
Celje, air photo

Celje, air photo

Number of downloads: 52
Celje castle, air photo

Celje castle, air photo

Number of downloads: 91
Hiker along the vineyards in Brda

Hiker along the vineyards in Brda

Number of downloads: 33
Sevnica castle from the air

Sevnica castle from the air

Number of downloads: 32
Celje castle and Celje, air photo

Celje castle and Celje, air photo

Number of downloads: 167
Kranj , air photo

Kranj , air photo

Number of downloads: 64
Kranj , air photo

Kranj , air photo

Number of downloads: 45
Kranj , air photo

Kranj , air photo

Number of downloads: 20
Autumn Sevnica from the air

Autumn Sevnica from the air

Number of downloads: 12
Castle Podsreda in autumn from the air

Castle Podsreda in autumn from the air

Number of downloads: 9
View to Ptuj

View to Ptuj

Number of downloads: 141
Hikers on Rogla

Hikers on Rogla

Number of downloads: 36