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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “pogostitev”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F002129 Number of downloads: 10

Indigenous variety of pear – pituralke

#F002125 Number of downloads: 26

Bohinj gastronomy sausage

#F002126 Number of downloads: 48

Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

#F004235 Number of downloads: 235

The Carniolan sausage

#F004868 Number of downloads: 19

Olive oil bar Šmartno

#F002025 Number of downloads: 152


#F003934 Number of downloads: 71

Dinner for two

#F002134 Number of downloads: 53

Kunstelj Inn

#F000519 Number of downloads: 61

Zreče Thermal Spa, Spas and Health Resorts

#F001608 Number of downloads: 11

The Old Vine House

#F008311 Number of downloads: 91

Wine tasting in the wine cellar

#F008347 Number of downloads: 94

Farmers feast in nature, Matkov kot

#F008408 Number of downloads: 14

Feast in the wine cellar, Čotar Wines

#F008419 Number of downloads: 17

Feast in the wine cellar, Čotar Wines

#F001765 Number of downloads: 40

Pohorje Culinary

#F002103 Number of downloads: 41

Bohinj sausage with bread

#F008318 Number of downloads: 30

Farmers feast in nature, Matkov kot

#F008358 Number of downloads: 7

Wine tasting at Skok restaurant

#F008366 Number of downloads: 18

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F008400 Number of downloads: 25

Wonderful atmosphere at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Indigenous variety of pear – pituralke

Indigenous variety of pear – pituralke

Number of downloads: 10
Bohinj gastronomy sausage

Bohinj gastronomy sausage

Number of downloads: 26
Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

Bohinj gastronomy Wild flower Festival

Number of downloads: 48
The Carniolan sausage

The Carniolan sausage

Number of downloads: 235
Olive oil bar Šmartno

Olive oil bar Šmartno

Number of downloads: 19


Number of downloads: 152
Dinner for two

Dinner for two

Number of downloads: 71
Kunstelj Inn

Kunstelj Inn

Number of downloads: 53
Zreče Thermal Spa, Spas and Health Resorts

Zreče Thermal Spa, Spas and Health Resorts

Number of downloads: 61
The Old Vine House

The Old Vine House

Number of downloads: 11
Wine tasting in the wine cellar

Wine tasting in the wine cellar

Number of downloads: 91
Farmers feast in nature, Matkov kot

Farmers feast in nature, Matkov kot

Number of downloads: 94
Feast in the wine cellar, Čotar Wines

Feast in the wine cellar, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 14
Feast in the wine cellar, Čotar Wines

Feast in the wine cellar, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 17
Pohorje Culinary

Pohorje Culinary

Number of downloads: 40
Bohinj sausage with bread

Bohinj sausage with bread

Number of downloads: 41
Farmers feast in nature, Matkov kot

Farmers feast in nature, Matkov kot

Number of downloads: 30
Wine tasting at Skok restaurant

Wine tasting at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 7
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 18
Wonderful atmosphere at Zlati Grič  wine cellar

Wonderful atmosphere at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Number of downloads: 25