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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “oldest vine”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F012904 Number of downloads: 37

Worlds oldest vine Maribor

#F012905 Number of downloads: 110

Worlds oldest vine Maribor

#F012906 Number of downloads: 41

Worlds oldest vine Maribor

#F001702 Number of downloads: 30

Old Vine the Oldest Vine in the World

#F004109 Number of downloads: 54

The World s oldest vine in Maribor

#F012895 Number of downloads: 25

Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

#F012896 Number of downloads: 39

Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

#F000963 Number of downloads: 49

Old Vine - 3

#F000958 Number of downloads: 12

Old Vine - 2

#F000955 Number of downloads: 32

Old Vine - 1

#F000956 Number of downloads: 25

Old Vine - 5

#F000960 Number of downloads: 30

Old Vine Festival - festive grape harvest

#F000957 Number of downloads: 65

Old Vine - 4

#F001607 Number of downloads: 19

The Old Vine House 1

#F015292 Number of downloads: 12

Slovenia Green providers - Old Vine House Maribor

#F015293 Number of downloads: 26

Slovenia Green providers - Old Vine House Maribor

#F001605 Number of downloads: 12

The Old Vine House

#F000961 Number of downloads: 80

Old Vine Festival

#F001345 Number of downloads: 72


#F015744 Number of downloads: 17

Bizeljsko vineyards

Worlds oldest vine Maribor

Worlds oldest vine Maribor

Number of downloads: 37
Worlds oldest vine Maribor

Worlds oldest vine Maribor

Number of downloads: 110
Worlds oldest vine Maribor

Worlds oldest vine Maribor

Number of downloads: 41
Old Vine the Oldest Vine in the World

Old Vine the Oldest Vine in the World

Number of downloads: 30
The World s oldest vine in Maribor

The World s oldest vine in Maribor

Number of downloads: 54
Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

Number of downloads: 25
Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

Harvest of the oldest vine in the world_Maribor

Number of downloads: 39
Old Vine - 3

Old Vine - 3

Number of downloads: 49
Old Vine - 2

Old Vine - 2

Number of downloads: 12
Old Vine - 1

Old Vine - 1

Number of downloads: 32
Old Vine - 5

Old Vine - 5

Number of downloads: 25
Old Vine Festival - festive grape harvest

Old Vine Festival - festive grape harvest

Number of downloads: 30
Old Vine - 4

Old Vine - 4

Number of downloads: 65
The Old Vine House 1

The Old Vine House 1

Number of downloads: 19
Slovenia Green providers - Old Vine House Maribor

Slovenia Green providers - Old Vine House Maribor

Number of downloads: 12
Slovenia Green providers - Old Vine House Maribor

Slovenia Green providers - Old Vine House Maribor

Number of downloads: 26
The Old Vine House

The Old Vine House

Number of downloads: 12
Old Vine Festival

Old Vine Festival

Number of downloads: 80


Number of downloads: 72
Bizeljsko vineyards

Bizeljsko vineyards

Number of downloads: 17