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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “local”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F001351 Number of downloads: 131

E31-Local prosciutto

#F002117 Number of downloads: 121

Local cuisine, Goriska Brda

#F002044 Number of downloads: 64

Tomaž Kavčič with local ingredients

#F013990 Number of downloads: 24

Local culinary delights in Šempeter guesthouse

#F013991 Number of downloads: 68

Local culinary delights in Šempeter guesthouse

#F009327 Number of downloads: 44

Typical local dish of Vrsno near Kobarid

#F008351 Number of downloads: 30

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F008352 Number of downloads: 10

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F008353 Number of downloads: 4

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F008366 Number of downloads: 18

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F015144 Number of downloads: 185

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Fresh and local food on your table

#F014249 Number of downloads: 68

Couple at Hiša Denk

#F015041 Number of downloads: 51

Trnič cheese on a plate

#F013984 Number of downloads: 50

Chocolaterie Olimje

#F013985 Number of downloads: 29

Chocolaterie Olimje

#F013996 Number of downloads: 22

Sensoric garden on Herbalia estate

#F011925 Number of downloads: 24

Kozjansko Bread Cake

#F011926 Number of downloads: 53

Kozjansko Bread Cake

#F014250 Number of downloads: 51

Chef Gregor Vračko in his kitchen

#F015298 Number of downloads: 16

Slovenia Green providers - Gostilna pri Lojzetu

E31-Local prosciutto

E31-Local prosciutto

Number of downloads: 131
Local cuisine, Goriska Brda

Local cuisine, Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 121
Tomaž Kavčič with local ingredients

Tomaž Kavčič with local ingredients

Number of downloads: 64
Local culinary delights in Šempeter guesthouse

Local culinary delights in Šempeter guesthouse

Number of downloads: 24
Local culinary delights in Šempeter guesthouse

Local culinary delights in Šempeter guesthouse

Number of downloads: 68
Typical local dish of Vrsno near Kobarid

Typical local dish of Vrsno near Kobarid

Number of downloads: 44
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 30
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 10
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 4
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 18
Photos for the product of gastronomy /Fresh and local food on your table

Photos for the product of gastronomy /Fresh and local food on your table

Number of downloads: 185
Couple at Hiša Denk

Couple at Hiša Denk

Number of downloads: 68
Trnič cheese on a plate

Trnič cheese on a plate

Number of downloads: 51
Chocolaterie Olimje

Chocolaterie Olimje

Number of downloads: 50
Chocolaterie Olimje

Chocolaterie Olimje

Number of downloads: 29
Sensoric garden on Herbalia estate

Sensoric garden on Herbalia estate

Number of downloads: 22
Kozjansko Bread Cake

Kozjansko Bread Cake

Number of downloads: 24
Kozjansko Bread Cake

Kozjansko Bread Cake

Number of downloads: 53
Chef Gregor Vračko in his kitchen

Chef Gregor Vračko in his kitchen

Number of downloads: 51
Slovenia Green providers - Gostilna pri Lojzetu

Slovenia Green providers - Gostilna pri Lojzetu

Number of downloads: 16