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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “ljubljana”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F011660 Number of downloads: 96

Exhibition in National gallery

#F011661 Number of downloads: 62

Exhibition in National gallery

#F008176 Number of downloads: 135

Cycling across the bridge Kandijski, Novo mesto

#F008209 Number of downloads: 200

Celje hall and Alma Karlin statue on Krek square

#F008324 Number of downloads: 25

Dish of Janez Bratovž

#F008335 Number of downloads: 29

Janez Bratovž in the kitchen

#F008336 Number of downloads: 46

Dish of Janez Bratovž

#F008339 Number of downloads: 18

Janez Bratovž cooking

#F008858 Number of downloads: 104

Family at Ljubljanica River

#F000266 Number of downloads: 99

The highest lying spa in Slovenia, Snovik Spa

#F013133 Number of downloads: 52

With sup on Ljubljanica river

#F008110 Number of downloads: 91

Celje, air photo

#F008178 Number of downloads: 34

View to the Kapitelj, Novo mesto

#F013125 Number of downloads: 64

With a boat on Ljubljanica river

#F013134 Number of downloads: 62

With sup on Ljubljanica river

#F012550 Number of downloads: 18

Radovljica street performance in December

#F008040 Number of downloads: 62

Cycling in Kocevski rog, Kocevsko

#F008174 Number of downloads: 65

Hikers under Kapitelj, Novo mesto

#F008301 Number of downloads: 57

Prepared dish of Janez Bratovž

#F013112 Number of downloads: 28

Summer in Zvezda park on Congress square

Exhibition in National gallery

Exhibition in National gallery

Number of downloads: 96
Exhibition in National gallery

Exhibition in National gallery

Number of downloads: 62
Cycling across the bridge Kandijski, Novo mesto

Cycling across the bridge Kandijski, Novo mesto

Number of downloads: 135
Celje hall and Alma Karlin statue on Krek square

Celje hall and Alma Karlin statue on Krek square

Number of downloads: 200
Dish of Janez Bratovž

Dish of Janez Bratovž

Number of downloads: 25
Janez Bratovž in the kitchen

Janez Bratovž in the kitchen

Number of downloads: 29
Dish of Janez Bratovž

Dish of Janez Bratovž

Number of downloads: 46
Janez Bratovž cooking

Janez Bratovž cooking

Number of downloads: 18
Family at Ljubljanica River

Family at Ljubljanica River

Number of downloads: 104
The highest lying spa in Slovenia, Snovik Spa

The highest lying spa in Slovenia, Snovik Spa

Number of downloads: 99
With sup on Ljubljanica river

With sup on Ljubljanica river

Number of downloads: 52
Celje, air photo

Celje, air photo

Number of downloads: 91
View to the Kapitelj, Novo mesto

View to the Kapitelj, Novo mesto

Number of downloads: 34
With a boat on Ljubljanica river

With a boat on Ljubljanica river

Number of downloads: 64
With sup on Ljubljanica river

With sup on Ljubljanica river

Number of downloads: 62
Radovljica street performance in December

Radovljica street performance in December

Number of downloads: 18
Cycling in Kocevski rog, Kocevsko

Cycling in Kocevski rog, Kocevsko

Number of downloads: 62
Hikers under Kapitelj, Novo mesto

Hikers under Kapitelj, Novo mesto

Number of downloads: 65
Prepared dish of Janez Bratovž

Prepared dish of Janez Bratovž

Number of downloads: 57
Summer in Zvezda park on Congress square

Summer in Zvezda park on Congress square

Number of downloads: 28