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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “kultura in dediščina”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F012816 Number of downloads: 25

Culture and heritage

#F010377 Number of downloads: 54

Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

#F015200 Number of downloads: 52

National and University Library

#F015185 Number of downloads: 21


#F015187 Number of downloads: 84


#F015201 Number of downloads: 22

National and University Library

#F015202 Number of downloads: 31

National and University Library

#F015203 Number of downloads: 13

National and University Library

#F015204 Number of downloads: 36

National and University Library

#F010302 Number of downloads: 27

Kambič Gallery, Metlika

#F010376 Number of downloads: 63

Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

#F013915 Number of downloads: 32

Castle Podsreda

#F010337 Number of downloads: 109

Ljubljana Opera House

#F010312 Number of downloads: 100

Beehive in the Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica

#F010313 Number of downloads: 67

Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica

#F010340 Number of downloads: 24

Matjaževa domačija, Paha

#F002002 Number of downloads: 86


#F010321 Number of downloads: 15

Parish house in Radovljica old town

#F013512 Number of downloads: 51

Snežnik Castle

#F007840 Number of downloads: 12

Rajhenburg castle in autumn

Culture and heritage

Culture and heritage

Number of downloads: 25
Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 54
National and University Library

National and University Library

Number of downloads: 52


Number of downloads: 21


Number of downloads: 84
National and University Library

National and University Library

Number of downloads: 22
National and University Library

National and University Library

Number of downloads: 31
National and University Library

National and University Library

Number of downloads: 13
National and University Library

National and University Library

Number of downloads: 36
Kambič Gallery, Metlika

Kambič Gallery, Metlika

Number of downloads: 27
Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 63
Castle Podsreda

Castle Podsreda

Number of downloads: 32
Ljubljana Opera House

Ljubljana Opera House

Number of downloads: 109
Beehive in the Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica

Beehive in the Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica

Number of downloads: 100
Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica

Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica

Number of downloads: 67
Matjaževa domačija, Paha

Matjaževa domačija, Paha

Number of downloads: 24


Number of downloads: 86
Parish house in Radovljica old town

Parish house in Radovljica old town

Number of downloads: 15
Snežnik Castle

Snežnik Castle

Number of downloads: 51
Rajhenburg castle in autumn

Rajhenburg castle in autumn

Number of downloads: 12