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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “in the city”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F004083 Number of downloads: 10

City adventure with carriage

#F014212 Number of downloads: 97

Walking through old City Centre

#F013119 Number of downloads: 171

View point looking at Ljubljana city

#F001712 Number of downloads: 20

With a bike through the city

#F000073 Number of downloads: 233

Piran, view from City wall

#F015373 Number of downloads: 22

Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

#F013205 Number of downloads: 20

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

#F013702 Number of downloads: 502

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

#F010332 Number of downloads: 47

Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana

#F008338 Number of downloads: 9

Janez Bratovž in the centre

#F010314 Number of downloads: 49

Evening in Radovljica

#F010337 Number of downloads: 109

Ljubljana Opera House

#F010377 Number of downloads: 53

Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

#F010546 Number of downloads: 61

Days of Poetry and Wine

#F010308 Number of downloads: 37

Street scene, Metlika

#F010357 Number of downloads: 153

Jože Plečnik, National and University Library, Ljubljana

#F009922 Number of downloads: 327

View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

#F000365 Number of downloads: 52

Celje - welcome

#F009265 Number of downloads: 69

Ljubljana in autumn

#F005017 Number of downloads: 65

Ljubljana padlocks

City adventure with carriage

City adventure with carriage

Number of downloads: 10
Walking through old City Centre

Walking through old City Centre

Number of downloads: 97
View point looking at Ljubljana city

View point looking at Ljubljana city

Number of downloads: 171
With a bike through the city

With a bike through the city

Number of downloads: 20
Piran, view from City wall

Piran, view from City wall

Number of downloads: 233
Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

Kamnik - view at the city from Mali grad

Number of downloads: 22
Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Aerial view of Kamnik, the old city centre

Number of downloads: 20
Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

Aerial View From Ljubljana Castle On Ljubljana Green City and Ljubljana Marshes

Number of downloads: 502
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana

Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 47
Janez Bratovž in the centre

Janez Bratovž in the centre

Number of downloads: 9
Evening in Radovljica

Evening in Radovljica

Number of downloads: 49
Ljubljana Opera House

Ljubljana Opera House

Number of downloads: 109
Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, Mutual Insurance Building, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 53
Days of Poetry and Wine

Days of Poetry and Wine

Number of downloads: 61
Street scene, Metlika

Street scene, Metlika

Number of downloads: 37
Jože Plečnik, National and University Library, Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik, National and University Library, Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 153
View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

Number of downloads: 327
Celje - welcome

Celje - welcome

Number of downloads: 52
Ljubljana in autumn

Ljubljana in autumn

Number of downloads: 69
Ljubljana padlocks

Ljubljana padlocks

Number of downloads: 65