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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “horse-drawn carriage”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F002562 Number of downloads: 44

Oplenova house in village Studor, Bohinj

#F004083 Number of downloads: 10

City adventure with carriage

#F008275 Number of downloads: 28

Carriage rides, Tourist farm Flander

#F001379 Number of downloads: 118

E35-Lipizzaner horses

#F014897 Number of downloads: 20

Bridge with horses

#F014840 Number of downloads: 77

Lipizzan horses grazing

#F009896 Number of downloads: 65

Lipizzaner horse grazing

#F007823 Number of downloads: 16

Horseback riding in autumn

#F007830 Number of downloads: 37

Horseback riding in nature

#F007832 Number of downloads: 23

Horseback riding in nature

#F000201 Number of downloads: 25

Horse riding on Kozjak

#F001365 Number of downloads: 9

E31-Zoran Music - horses

#F002708 Number of downloads: 58

Horseback riding in Bohinj

#F014843 Number of downloads: 59

Family in horse stables, Lipica

#F014845 Number of downloads: 197

Lipizzan horses running at Lipica

#F014214 Number of downloads: 156

Meeting the Horses in Lipica

#F011680 Number of downloads: 116

Dressage of Lipizzan horses in Lipica

#F014844 Number of downloads: 48

Lipizzan horses coming out of stables

#F014848 Number of downloads: 41

Family observing lipizzan horses in Lipica

#F014041 Number of downloads: 123

Horseback riding by the Bohinj lake

Oplenova house in village Studor, Bohinj

Oplenova house in village Studor, Bohinj

Number of downloads: 44
City adventure with carriage

City adventure with carriage

Number of downloads: 10
Carriage rides, Tourist farm Flander

Carriage rides, Tourist farm Flander

Number of downloads: 28
E35-Lipizzaner horses

E35-Lipizzaner horses

Number of downloads: 118
Bridge with horses

Bridge with horses

Number of downloads: 20
Lipizzan horses grazing

Lipizzan horses grazing

Number of downloads: 77
Lipizzaner horse grazing

Lipizzaner horse grazing

Number of downloads: 65
Horseback riding in autumn

Horseback riding in autumn

Number of downloads: 16
Horseback riding in nature

Horseback riding in nature

Number of downloads: 37
Horseback riding in nature

Horseback riding in nature

Number of downloads: 23
Horse riding on Kozjak

Horse riding on Kozjak

Number of downloads: 25
E31-Zoran Music - horses

E31-Zoran Music - horses

Number of downloads: 9
Horseback riding in Bohinj

Horseback riding in Bohinj

Number of downloads: 58
Family in horse stables, Lipica

Family in horse stables, Lipica

Number of downloads: 59
Lipizzan horses running at Lipica

Lipizzan horses running at Lipica

Number of downloads: 197
Meeting the Horses in Lipica

Meeting the Horses in Lipica

Number of downloads: 156
Dressage of Lipizzan horses in Lipica

Dressage of Lipizzan horses in Lipica

Number of downloads: 116
Lipizzan horses coming out of stables

Lipizzan horses coming out of stables

Number of downloads: 48
Family observing lipizzan horses in Lipica

Family observing lipizzan horses in Lipica

Number of downloads: 41
Horseback riding by the Bohinj lake

Horseback riding by the Bohinj lake

Number of downloads: 123