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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “degustacija”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F015624 Number of downloads: 4

Ptuj wine cellar

#F008452 Number of downloads: 27

Wine tasting at Prus wine cellar

#F015621 Number of downloads: 9

Ptuj wine cellar

#F015617 Number of downloads: 3

Wine cellar Ptuj

#F015563 Number of downloads: 1

Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

#F015623 Number of downloads: 3

Tour of wine cellar in Ptuj

#F012897 Number of downloads: 40

Old vine house wine store Maribor

#F008389 Number of downloads: 14

Wine tasting at Zlati Grič wine cellar

#F010188 Number of downloads: 67

Honey tasting

#F015564 Number of downloads: 1

Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

#F001360 Number of downloads: 17

E31-Wine tasting

#F015562 Number of downloads: 7

Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

#F008349 Number of downloads: 163

Wine tasting in vineyard, Cotar Wines

#F008354 Number of downloads: 74

Taking a walk in vineyard, Čotar Wines

#F008386 Number of downloads: 14

Wooden barrels at Zlati Grič wine cellar

#F008387 Number of downloads: 21

Wooden barrels at Zlati Grič wine cellar

#F011593 Number of downloads: 53

Couple in wine celler Vina Koper

#F008358 Number of downloads: 7

Wine tasting at Skok restaurant

#F008400 Number of downloads: 25

Wonderful atmosphere at Zlati Grič wine cellar

#F008453 Number of downloads: 26

Wine tasting at Prus wine cellar

Ptuj wine cellar

Ptuj wine cellar

Number of downloads: 4
Wine tasting at Prus wine cellar

Wine tasting at Prus wine cellar

Number of downloads: 27
Ptuj wine cellar

Ptuj wine cellar

Number of downloads: 9
Wine cellar Ptuj

Wine cellar Ptuj

Number of downloads: 3
Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 1
Tour of wine cellar in Ptuj

Tour of wine cellar in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 3
Old vine house wine store Maribor

Old vine house wine store Maribor

Number of downloads: 40
Wine tasting at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Wine tasting at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Number of downloads: 14
Honey tasting

Honey tasting

Number of downloads: 67
Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 1
E31-Wine tasting

E31-Wine tasting

Number of downloads: 17
Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

Chocolate boutique in Ptuj

Number of downloads: 7
Wine tasting in vineyard, Cotar Wines

Wine tasting in vineyard, Cotar Wines

Number of downloads: 163
Taking a walk in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Taking a walk in vineyard, Čotar Wines

Number of downloads: 74
Wooden barrels at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Wooden barrels at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Number of downloads: 14
Wooden barrels at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Wooden barrels at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Number of downloads: 21
Couple in wine celler Vina Koper

Couple in wine celler Vina Koper

Number of downloads: 53
Wine tasting at Skok restaurant

Wine tasting at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 7
Wonderful atmosphere at Zlati Grič  wine cellar

Wonderful atmosphere at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Number of downloads: 25
Wine tasting at Prus wine cellar

Wine tasting at Prus wine cellar

Number of downloads: 26