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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “decoration”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F000613 Number of downloads: 109

Christmas decoration at Preseren Square

#F000614 Number of downloads: 220

Christmas decoration at Preseren Square

#F000615 Number of downloads: 152

Christmas decoration at Triple Bridge

#F000625 Number of downloads: 82

Christmas decoration at Town Hall

#F015653 Number of downloads: 9

Festive time in Maribor

#F015651 Number of downloads: 6

Festive time in Maribor

#F000843 Number of downloads: 90

Bled Panorama Christmas

#F015628 Number of downloads: 5

Ptuj winter fairytale

#F015652 Number of downloads: 4

Festive time in Maribor

#F015654 Number of downloads: 7

Festive time in Maribor

#F015660 Number of downloads: 8

Festive time in Maribor

#F015661 Number of downloads: 14

Festive time in Maribor

#F015625 Number of downloads: 13

Ptuj winter fairytale

#F014205 Number of downloads: 40

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F014206 Number of downloads: 94

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F014207 Number of downloads: 143

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F000846 Number of downloads: 69

Maribor Christmas Tree

#F000863 Number of downloads: 40

Maribor Christmas Lights

#F015659 Number of downloads: 8

Festive time in Maribor

#F014204 Number of downloads: 87

Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas decoration at Preseren Square

Christmas decoration at Preseren Square

Number of downloads: 109
Christmas decoration at Preseren Square

Christmas decoration at Preseren Square

Number of downloads: 220
Christmas decoration  at Triple Bridge

Christmas decoration at Triple Bridge

Number of downloads: 152
Christmas decoration at Town Hall

Christmas decoration at Town Hall

Number of downloads: 82
Festive time in Maribor

Festive time in Maribor

Number of downloads: 9
Festive time in Maribor

Festive time in Maribor

Number of downloads: 6
Bled Panorama Christmas

Bled Panorama Christmas

Number of downloads: 90
Ptuj winter fairytale

Ptuj winter fairytale

Number of downloads: 5
Festive time in Maribor

Festive time in Maribor

Number of downloads: 4
Festive time in Maribor

Festive time in Maribor

Number of downloads: 7
Festive time in Maribor

Festive time in Maribor

Number of downloads: 8
Festive time in Maribor

Festive time in Maribor

Number of downloads: 14
Ptuj winter fairytale

Ptuj winter fairytale

Number of downloads: 13
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 40
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 94
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 143
Maribor Christmas Tree

Maribor Christmas Tree

Number of downloads: 69
Maribor Christmas Lights

Maribor Christmas Lights

Number of downloads: 40
Festive time in Maribor

Festive time in Maribor

Number of downloads: 8
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 87