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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “capital city”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F000600 Number of downloads: 205

Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

#F003875 Number of downloads: 241

Cycling in Ljubljana city center

#F014231 Number of downloads: 108

Supping in the City Centre

#F014205 Number of downloads: 40

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F014206 Number of downloads: 94

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F014207 Number of downloads: 143

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F014204 Number of downloads: 87

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F012076 Number of downloads: 69

City Velenje

#F001621 Number of downloads: 11

City pulse

#F001647 Number of downloads: 18

City pulse

#F014203 Number of downloads: 62

Christmas in Ljubljana

#F014855 Number of downloads: 66

City square, Celje

#F014678 Number of downloads: 45

Kamnik, city center

#F014481 Number of downloads: 36

Kranj, city library

#F013259 Number of downloads: 23

City park in Maribor

#F014867 Number of downloads: 79

Old city center, Celje

#F012546 Number of downloads: 36

Radovljica old city center

#F011586 Number of downloads: 56

Couple on a city tour of Koper

#F011589 Number of downloads: 29

Couple on a city tour of Koper

#F004083 Number of downloads: 10

City adventure with carriage

Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

Number of downloads: 205
Cycling in Ljubljana city center

Cycling in Ljubljana city center

Number of downloads: 241
Supping in the City Centre

Supping in the City Centre

Number of downloads: 108
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 40
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 94
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 143
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 87
City Velenje

City Velenje

Number of downloads: 69
City pulse

City pulse

Number of downloads: 11
City pulse

City pulse

Number of downloads: 18
Christmas in Ljubljana

Christmas in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 62
City square, Celje

City square, Celje

Number of downloads: 66
Kamnik, city center

Kamnik, city center

Number of downloads: 45
Kranj, city library

Kranj, city library

Number of downloads: 36
City park in Maribor

City park in Maribor

Number of downloads: 23
Old city center, Celje

Old city center, Celje

Number of downloads: 79
Radovljica old city center

Radovljica old city center

Number of downloads: 36
Couple on a city tour of Koper

Couple on a city tour of Koper

Number of downloads: 56
Couple on a city tour of Koper

Couple on a city tour of Koper

Number of downloads: 29
City adventure with carriage

City adventure with carriage

Number of downloads: 10