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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “The green oasis”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F008157 Number of downloads: 33

Stream in the middle of the city, Slovenske Konjice

#F008159 Number of downloads: 49

The landscape of vineyards in the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

#F008520 Number of downloads: 63

Event in the courtyard of the castle Khislstein, Kranj

#F008991 Number of downloads: 13

Camping in the Podzemelj Camp by the river Kolpa

#F009032 Number of downloads: 20

Children in the Podzemelj camp by the river Kolpa

#F009046 Number of downloads: 29

Sup at the dam on the river Kolpa in Adlešiče

#F008351 Number of downloads: 31

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F008352 Number of downloads: 10

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F008353 Number of downloads: 4

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F008366 Number of downloads: 18

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F001702 Number of downloads: 30

Old Vine the Oldest Vine in the World

#F002666 Number of downloads: 6

Travelling along the trails of the Triglav fairytales

#F015102 Number of downloads: 123

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Gathering pumpkin seeds

#F015136 Number of downloads: 172

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Tasting in the vineyard

#F014222 Number of downloads: 22

Fun family times under the branches in the park

#F013217 Number of downloads: 45

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

#F013218 Number of downloads: 37

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

#F013219 Number of downloads: 92

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

#F013220 Number of downloads: 23

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

#F013221 Number of downloads: 90

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Stream in the middle of the city, Slovenske Konjice

Stream in the middle of the city, Slovenske Konjice

Number of downloads: 33
The landscape of vineyards in the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

The landscape of vineyards in the vicinity of Slovenske Konjice

Number of downloads: 49
Event in the courtyard of the castle Khislstein, Kranj

Event in the courtyard of the castle Khislstein, Kranj

Number of downloads: 63
Camping in the Podzemelj Camp by the river Kolpa

Camping in the Podzemelj Camp by the river Kolpa

Number of downloads: 13
Children in the Podzemelj camp by the river Kolpa

Children in the Podzemelj camp by the river Kolpa

Number of downloads: 20
Sup at the dam on the river Kolpa in Adlešiče

Sup at the dam on the river Kolpa in Adlešiče

Number of downloads: 29
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 31
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 10
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 4
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 18
Old Vine the Oldest Vine in the World

Old Vine the Oldest Vine in the World

Number of downloads: 30
Travelling along the trails of the Triglav fairytales

Travelling along the trails of the Triglav fairytales

Number of downloads: 6
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Gathering pumpkin seeds

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Gathering pumpkin seeds

Number of downloads: 123
Photos for the product of gastronomy / Tasting in the vineyard

Photos for the product of gastronomy / Tasting in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 172
Fun family times under the branches in the park

Fun family times under the branches in the park

Number of downloads: 22
With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Number of downloads: 45
With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Number of downloads: 37
With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Number of downloads: 92
With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Number of downloads: 23
With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

With the Kajak around the Debeli rtič cape

Number of downloads: 90