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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “Ljubljana with surroundings”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F013121 Number of downloads: 146

Experiences in Ljubljana and its surroundings

#F000600 Number of downloads: 205

Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

#F000619 Number of downloads: 77


#F000612 Number of downloads: 34

Ljubljana klovn festival

#F001812 Number of downloads: 153

Vendor on the Ljubljana market

#F000152 Number of downloads: 390

Green adventures of Ljubljana

#F000617 Number of downloads: 290

The day after - Ljubljana

#F001814 Number of downloads: 27

Slovenska cesta street in Ljubljana

#F001811 Number of downloads: 57

Drinking fountain at Kongresni trg square in Ljubljana

#F001813 Number of downloads: 111

Butchers' bridge in Ljubljana

#F000595 Number of downloads: 394

Ljubljana, Zmajski most

#F001818 Number of downloads: 135

Cycling in Ljubljana

#F003875 Number of downloads: 241

Cycling in Ljubljana city center

#F001823 Number of downloads: 663

The Triple Bridge in Ljubljana

#F007774 Number of downloads: 47

Autumn in Slovenia - Krško surroundings

#F000800 Number of downloads: 97

Bled with the surroundings

#F001825 Number of downloads: 70

Outdoor theatre Ana Desetnica in Ljubljana

#F001826 Number of downloads: 135

Slovene ethnographic museum in Ljubljana

#F015789 Number of downloads: 30

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

#F015790 Number of downloads: 24

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Experiences in Ljubljana and its surroundings

Experiences in Ljubljana and its surroundings

Number of downloads: 146
Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

Aerial shot of Ljubljana city centre in Ljubljana Castle

Number of downloads: 205


Number of downloads: 77
Ljubljana klovn festival

Ljubljana klovn festival

Number of downloads: 34
Vendor on the Ljubljana market

Vendor on the Ljubljana market

Number of downloads: 153
Green adventures of Ljubljana

Green adventures of Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 390
The day after - Ljubljana

The day after - Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 290
Slovenska cesta street in Ljubljana

Slovenska cesta street in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 27
Drinking fountain at Kongresni trg square in Ljubljana

Drinking fountain at Kongresni trg square in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 57
Butchers' bridge in Ljubljana

Butchers' bridge in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 111
Ljubljana, Zmajski most

Ljubljana, Zmajski most

Number of downloads: 394
Cycling in Ljubljana

Cycling in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 135
Cycling in Ljubljana city center

Cycling in Ljubljana city center

Number of downloads: 241
The Triple Bridge in Ljubljana

The Triple Bridge in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 663
Autumn in Slovenia - Krško surroundings

Autumn in Slovenia - Krško surroundings

Number of downloads: 47
Bled with the surroundings

Bled with the surroundings

Number of downloads: 97
Outdoor theatre Ana Desetnica in Ljubljana

Outdoor theatre Ana Desetnica in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 70
Slovene ethnographic museum in Ljubljana

Slovene ethnographic museum in Ljubljana

Number of downloads: 135
Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Number of downloads: 30
Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Kranj and surroundings in the winter time

Number of downloads: 24