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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “šotor”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F013994 Number of downloads: 138

Glamping Adria Terme Olimia

#F009019 Number of downloads: 12

Family in the Podzemelj Camp

#F008727 Number of downloads: 27

Campers in Koren Camp

#F009036 Number of downloads: 5

Setting up tent by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F009073 Number of downloads: 23

Relaxation by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F009015 Number of downloads: 12

By bike in nature, Podzemelj Camp

#F009018 Number of downloads: 3

Couple enjoying free time by the river Kolpa

#F009052 Number of downloads: 5

Painting by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F009053 Number of downloads: 47

Relaxation by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F010578 Number of downloads: 9

Floating Castle Festival

#F008715 Number of downloads: 51

Camping by Soča river

#F008724 Number of downloads: 8

Music under trees of Koren Camp

#F008997 Number of downloads: 10

Content guests at Podzemelj Camp

#F009010 Number of downloads: 28

Supping on river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F009021 Number of downloads: 6

Couple enjoys reading under the trees by the river Kolpa in the Podzemelj Camp

#F009037 Number of downloads: 17

By bike in nature, Podzemelj Camp

#F009040 Number of downloads: 46

Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F009087 Number of downloads: 16

Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

#F008717 Number of downloads: 2

Young visitors in Koren Camp

#F009008 Number of downloads: 27

Young swimmers in river Kolpa, Kamp Podzemelj

Glamping Adria Terme Olimia

Glamping Adria Terme Olimia

Number of downloads: 138
Family in the Podzemelj Camp

Family in the Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 12
Campers in Koren Camp

Campers in Koren Camp

Number of downloads: 27
Setting up tent by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Setting up tent by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 5
Relaxation by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Relaxation by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 23
By bike in nature, Podzemelj Camp

By bike in nature, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 12
Couple enjoying free time by the river Kolpa

Couple enjoying free time by the river Kolpa

Number of downloads: 3
Painting by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Painting by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 5
Relaxation by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Relaxation by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 47
Floating Castle Festival

Floating Castle Festival

Number of downloads: 9
Camping by Soča river

Camping by Soča river

Number of downloads: 51
Music under trees of Koren Camp

Music under trees of Koren Camp

Number of downloads: 8
Content guests at Podzemelj Camp

Content guests at Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 10
Supping on river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Supping on river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 28
Couple enjoys reading under the trees by the river Kolpa in the Podzemelj Camp

Couple enjoys reading under the trees by the river Kolpa in the Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 6
By bike in nature, Podzemelj Camp

By bike in nature, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 17
Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 46
Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Camping by the river Kolpa, Podzemelj Camp

Number of downloads: 16
Young visitors in Koren Camp

Young visitors in Koren Camp

Number of downloads: 2
Young swimmers in river Kolpa, Kamp Podzemelj

Young swimmers in river Kolpa, Kamp Podzemelj

Number of downloads: 27