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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “stone mushroom under Krn village”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F001372 Number of downloads: 63

E31-Smartno village

#F010630 Number of downloads: 53

Under the top of Slavnik hill with the view on Slovenian Istria

#F001353 Number of downloads: 36

E31-Refreshment in Smartno village

#F001355 Number of downloads: 7

E31-St. Martin in Šmartno village

#F001356 Number of downloads: 10

E31-Street in Smartno village

#F000844 Number of downloads: 98

Bled Winter Village

#F000845 Number of downloads: 29

BledWinter Village Folklore

#F004883 Number of downloads: 15

Street in village of Šmartno

#F001771 Number of downloads: 102

Garden Village Bled

#F010626 Number of downloads: 39

Karst Plateau under the top of hill Golič - seen from the air

#F014199 Number of downloads: 58

Chocolate Village By The River

#F014200 Number of downloads: 28

Chocolate Village By The River

#F014201 Number of downloads: 29

Chocolate Village By The River

#F014202 Number of downloads: 79

Chocolate Village By The River

#F014032 Number of downloads: 165

Couple in Garden Village Bled

#F014033 Number of downloads: 115

Couple in Garden Village Bled

#F014034 Number of downloads: 87

Couple in Garden Village Bled

#F014035 Number of downloads: 118

Woman in Garden village Bled

#F014036 Number of downloads: 72

Couple in Garden Village Bled

#F014037 Number of downloads: 36

Couple in Garden Village Bled

E31-Smartno village

E31-Smartno village

Number of downloads: 63
Under the top of Slavnik hill with the view on Slovenian Istria

Under the top of Slavnik hill with the view on Slovenian Istria

Number of downloads: 53
E31-Refreshment in Smartno village

E31-Refreshment in Smartno village

Number of downloads: 36
E31-St. Martin in Šmartno village

E31-St. Martin in Šmartno village

Number of downloads: 7
E31-Street in Smartno village

E31-Street in Smartno village

Number of downloads: 10
Bled Winter Village

Bled Winter Village

Number of downloads: 98
BledWinter Village Folklore

BledWinter Village Folklore

Number of downloads: 29
Street in village of Šmartno

Street in village of Šmartno

Number of downloads: 15
Garden Village Bled

Garden Village Bled

Number of downloads: 102
Karst Plateau under the top of hill Golič - seen from the air

Karst Plateau under the top of hill Golič - seen from the air

Number of downloads: 39
Chocolate Village By The River

Chocolate Village By The River

Number of downloads: 58
Chocolate Village By The River

Chocolate Village By The River

Number of downloads: 28
Chocolate Village By The River

Chocolate Village By The River

Number of downloads: 29
Chocolate Village By The River

Chocolate Village By The River

Number of downloads: 79
Couple in Garden Village Bled

Couple in Garden Village Bled

Number of downloads: 165
Couple in Garden Village Bled

Couple in Garden Village Bled

Number of downloads: 115
Couple in Garden Village Bled

Couple in Garden Village Bled

Number of downloads: 87
Woman in Garden village Bled

Woman in Garden village Bled

Number of downloads: 118
Couple in Garden Village Bled

Couple in Garden Village Bled

Number of downloads: 72
Couple in Garden Village Bled

Couple in Garden Village Bled

Number of downloads: 36