Slovenian Natural Health Resorts are competitive on the European Market

Objavljeno: 17.1.2008

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Slovenian Natural Health Resorts are competitive on the European Market

According to the latest statistical data, fifteen Slovenian natural health resorts from the Natural Health Resorts Association of Slovenia finished 2007 with a 3.8% increase in the total number of arrivals and a 1.7% increase in overnight stays.

According to the latest statistical data, fifteen Slovenian natural health resorts from the Natural Health Resorts Association of Slovenia finished 2007 with a 3.8% increase in the total number of arrivals and a 1.7% increase in overnight stays. In 2007, Slovenian health resorts recorded a total of 619,812 guests and 2,669,232 overnight stays. This means that the natural health resorts recorded a third of all the overnight stays in Slovenian tourism. They maintain their position as the leading Slovenian tourist product with their outstanding investment dynamics and their constant investment into development. The health resorts have already announced many new features for 2008, which will strengthen their competitive position, especially on the European and global markets. More information at:

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