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Eight Places Up for Slovenian Competitiveness in Tourism Sector Development


Eight Places Up for Slovenian Competitiveness in Tourism Sector Development

In the global competitiveness index rankings of the development of the tourism sector, which was conducted on 130 countries for the World Economic Forum, Slovenia reached 36th place (44th from among 124 countries in 2007).

To gain a better understanding of the factors of competitiveness in tourism, a survey was conducted in 130 countries based on the assessment of 14 factors of competitiveness in the tourism industry. Slovenia was ranked 36th in the global competitiveness index survey, at the top end of the scale, among countries that showed above-average results in the relevant parameters. According to the survey results, Slovenian political regulation was ranked 42nd (44th in 2007), business environment and infrastructure 33rd (38th in 2007), and human, cultural and natural resources 61st (the only category to have a lower ranking compared to 2007, when it was 53rd).

A closer look at the openness to tourism and travel factor reveals that this factor reached 4.9 on a scale of 7, which ranks Slovenia in the 53rd place from among 130 participating countries.

With the tourism infrastructure factor standing even higher, at 5.9 (max. 7), Slovenia was ranked 20th from among 130 countries.

In the global competitiveness index rankings of the development of the tourism sector, which was conducted on 130 countries for the World Economic Forum, Slovenia reached 36th place (44th from among 124 countries in 2007).

To gain a better understanding of the factors of competitiveness in tourism, a survey was conducted in 130 countries based on the assessment of 14 factors of competitiveness in the tourism industry. Slovenia was ranked 36th in the global competitiveness index survey, at the top end of the scale, among countries that showed above-average results in the relevant parameters. According to the survey results, Slovenian political regulation was ranked 42nd (44th in 2007), business environment and infrastructure 33rd (38th in 2007), and human, cultural and natural resources 61st (the only category to have a lower ranking compared to 2007, when it was 53rd).

A closer look at the openness to tourism and travel factor reveals that this factor reached 4.9 on a scale of 7, which ranks Slovenia in the 53rd place from among 130 participating countries.

With the tourism infrastructure factor standing even higher, at 5.9 (max. 7), Slovenia was ranked 20th from among 130 countries.

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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