Europeans keep going on holidays in times of economic slowdown but tend to spend less

Objavljeno: 14.7.2009

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Europeans keep going on holidays in times of economic slowdown but tend to spend less

Eurostat published new edition of the annual Data in Focus, which presents the 2007-2008 evolution of tourism in Europe, as well as some results for the first months of 2009.

Europeans keep going on holidays in times of economic slowdown but tend to spend less

Eurostat published new edition of the annual Data in Focus, which presents the 2007-2008 evolution of tourism in Europe, as well as some results for the first months of 2009.

The publication focuses on the evolution of the number of nights spent in hotels and similar establishments, but also looks at the evolutions from another point of view, namely the holiday trips and expenditure made by EU residents and air passenger transport.

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