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Povpraševanja novinarjev z britanskega trga


Povpraševanja novinarjev z britanskega trga

V nadaljevanju vas vabimo k ogledu povpraševanj britanskih novinarjev, ki iščejo teme za objave v člankih v mediju. Izkoristite možnost promocije na britanskem trgu in stopite v kontakt z novinarji.

V nadaljevanju vas vabimo k ogledu povpraševanj britanskih novinarjev, ki iščejo teme za objave v člankih v mediju. Izkoristite možnost promocije na britanskem trgu in stopite v kontakt z novinarji.

Zadeva: Novosti na trgu za snežnih športov, vključno s hrano in ostalimi novostmi
Kontakt: Lisa Harvey
Medij:  Easy Living magazine
Rok oddaje: 30.07.2011 do 18h
Opis: Primerna je vsaka novost ali zanimivost, v povezavi z kulturo zimskih počitnic.
Easy Living magazine is looking for ski/snow/snowboard news stories to look out for early next year. Anything from ski food festivals and fun/interesting/different courses, attractions, things to top places to spot celebs or special long haul destinations worth the flight (and why) etc. Even new ski wear/product launches (but not spa related).

Zadeva: Počitnice za boljše duševno počutja
Kontakt: Kathy Carter
Medij:  Travel Ideas Magazine
Rok oddaje:  29.07.2011 do 16h
Opis: Počitnice, ki vsebujejo kakršnokoli obliko izboljšanja duševnega počutja.
I am writing a feature on destinations that are good for the soul and make you laugh - this could include holidays that offer laughter therapy, destinations that feature a comedy festival over Autumn / winter 2011, or any activity that involves laughing. Destinations can be worldwide. 
Zadeva: Luksuzni in butični turizem
Kontakt: Suzanne Milne
Medij:  familystylefile
Rok oddaje:  30.07.2011 do 18h
Opis: Spletna stran s posebnim zanimanjem za turizem, ki se usmerja na sodobni design.
I am currently editing content for familystylefile - a new website that has  'outstanding design for inspired living' as its focus. Travel is one of the six subsections and I am very interested in hearing from any groups that have high-end, luxury or boutique hotels, restaurants, shops, tour operators, or venues  that may be a perfect fit for the 'outstanding design for inspired living' tagline.
 If you do have clients that fit this brief, then please contact me and I will be very happy to outline the background of the editorial team, as well as the specific elements of coverage that we are planning for each entry (eg hotel/ shop/ restaurant etc). But, briefly, the website is designed to be focused on specifics (ie a hotel) rather than a general review of a city or region with only a mention (of the hotel, for example). The website will also include a significant proportion of 60-90 second video overviews, so please do mention whether you  think video coverage may be appropriate for your client. In the near future we are specifically looking to do reviews in Germany (early August and mid-September); UK (late August and early September); other European destinations (mid-September/November and March 2012); Australia/New Zealand/Asia (December and January); USA and Canada (ongoing). However we have journalists around the world who are available to do reviews throughout the year, so please do feel free to suggest any and all destinations that you believe represent outstanding design for inspired living that will also happily welcome families.
Zadeva: Hiše na drevesih
Kontakt: Catherine Cooper
Medij:  Daily Express
Rok oddaje:  29.07.2011 do 18h
Opis: Novinarka piše članek o drevesnih hišah v Evropi.
I am looking for treehouses, UK, Europe and worldwide to include in a round-up for the Daily Express.

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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Bodite obveščeni o dogajanju v slovenskem turizmu. Z naročilom na novice TTA boste tedensko prejemali najnovejše poslovne novice s področja turizma in druge aktualne informacije.

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