The Ecological Arrangement and Modernisation of Slovenian Hotels

Objavljeno: 6.12.2007

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The Ecological Arrangement and Modernisation of Slovenian Hotels

The Directorate for Tourism of the Ministry of Economy published the The Manual for Ecological Arrangement and Modernisation of Slovenian Hotels”.

The Ecological Arrangement and Modernisation of Slovenian Hotels

The Directorate for Tourism of the Ministry of Economy supports the development of quality tourism based on the principles of sustainable development. In order to stimulate the implementation of ecological management in Slovenian tourist companies, the Directorate published the "Priročnik za ekološko ureditev in posodobitev slovenskih hotelov" (“The Manual for Ecological Arrangement and Modernisation of Slovenian Hotels”) on the basis of the awarding of a public contract. The Manual was prepared in a form suitable and relevant for hotel companies. An integrated programme has been prepared as well. This is presented in a larger document and includes an integrated analysis of the situation entitled "Program ekološke ureditve in posodobitve slovenskih hotelov" (“The Programme of the Ecological Arrangement and Modernisation of Slovenian Hotels”), the goal of which is to present the subject in detail to those interested. Please send any questions regarding this programme to the following address:

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Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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