The New Publications of the STB

Objavljeno: 6.12.2007

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The New Publications of the STB

In cooperation with hotels specialising in hiking and with agencies, the STB has issued a loose leaf paper for the “Pohodništvo v Sloveniji” (“Hiking in Slovenia”) prospectus. The 2008 Travel Agents’ Manual and a new prospectus entitled “Ribištvo na Slovenskih rekah in jezerih” (“Fishing on Slovenian rivers and lakes”) have been published as well.

In cooperation with hotels specialising in hiking and with agencies, the STB has issued a loose leaf paper for the “Pohodništvo v Sloveniji” (“Hiking in Slovenia”) prospectus. This paper features presentations of 7 different hiking programmes across Slovenia of varying difficulty. Each programme includes a description of the trail, its duration and its price. In addition to these, there is also a presentation of 18 specialised accommodation facilities for hikers. The prospectus was printed in 30,000 copies (5,000 in Slovenian, 15,000 in English and 10,000 in German). The 2008 Travel Agents’ Manual has been published in English; its print run was 10,000 copies. It is in the 21 x 27 cm format, has 36 pages and contains minor changes. The manual will soon be published in other languages as well, namely in German (6,000 copies), French (2,000 copies) and Italian (2,000 copies); the total print run will be 10,000 copies. The theme of this year’s photographs is nature. In cooperation with the Slovenian Fishing Association, the STB has published a new prospectus entitled “Ribištvo na Slovenskih rekah in jezerih” (“Fishing on Slovenian rivers and lakes”). The prospectus contains presentations of all the more important Slovenian rivers and lakes where fishing is possible. The description of each river includes a list of fishing societies and clubs selling permits. The print run for the prospectus was 50,000 copies (15,000 in English, 15,000 in German, 13,000 in Italian and 7,000 in French).

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Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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