The Travel Intentions of the Inhabitants of Slovenia between December 2007 and February 2008

Objavljeno: 11.12.2007

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The Travel Intentions of the Inhabitants of Slovenia between December 2007 and February 2008

The published results of the travel intentions of the inhabitants of Slovenia of the study apply to the period between December 2007 and February 2008.

With its study of the travel destinations of Slovenians, the Slovenian Tourist Board wants to monitor the Slovenians’ travel habits over four time periods: March to May, June to August, September to November and December to February. The purpose of this study is to monitor travel destinations over a longer period of time (how the travel was organised, the number of overnight stays) and to provide detailed analysis of destination countries, principal activities on vacation, the anticipated expenditure and the reasons for not going on vacations. The published results of the study apply to the period between December 2007 and February 2008.

36% of the people questioned intend to go on a trip, travel or on a vacation (of varying duration and with or without overnight stays), 18% of those are going on a long vacation, 16% on a short vacation with one or two overnight stays and 2 percent are going on a trip without any overnight stays. The anticipated average expenditure per person is EUR 369. The bottom limit, with a reliability of 90%, is EUR 324 while the upper limit is EUR 414. The average number of overnight stays for the anticipated vacations in December, January or February is 5.

Most of the people questioned are going to spend their winter vacations in Slovenia (41%), while more than 10% are going to spend their vacations in Austria (14%) and in Italy (11%). 9% of the people questioned are going on vacation in Croatia. Relaxation, rest or entertainment will be the chief activity of 57% of those on shorter vacations and 26% are going mainly to participate in recreational activities. The contrary applies to most of those going on longer vacations with at least three overnight stays: 53% are going to engage in recreational activities and 43% are going to relax or have fun.

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mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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