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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

RAS 2008 - Race Around Slovenia


RAS 2008 - Race Around Slovenia

RAS 2008, extreme round cycling test with start and finish in Postojna will next year start on 8th Mai at 21:00 from Hotel Sport.

RAS 2008, extreme round cycling test with start and finish in Postojna will next year start on 8th Mai at 21:00 from Hotel Sport. Almost 1.200 km in lenght, 13.000 m of altitude difference, crowds of fans along the track, time never stops and the best ultracyclers don`t fall a sleep. World association of extreme cycling (UMCA) has declared DOS a best race of the year 2007. It has been put on a calendar of races for the world cup 2008 (with the second highest coefficient). Only RAAM - Race Across America - the toughest race in the world, has more points, and RAS also counts for European championship & qualifier for RAAM. More information:  

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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