The Interactive Map at

Objavljeno: 20.12.2007

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The Interactive Map at

From today, the portal offers an updated viewing application for the interactive map.

The Interactive Map at

From today, the portal offers an updated viewing application for the interactive map. The updated maps feature easier navigation and a more detailed display of the tourist offering. The interactive map application has more layers, meaning that Slovenia is now shown at a scale of at least 1:50,000 and that the main tourist sites can also be viewed on the city maps. The updated application also allows and facilitates interactive viewing of the tourist offering map, which is managed by a network of local administrators of the portal. Visitors may also check the GPS coordinates of a particular location.

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Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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