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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

Terme Snovik, the First in Slovenia to Receive the EU Eco-Label for Tourist Accommodation


Terme Snovik, the First in Slovenia to Receive the EU Eco-Label for Tourist Accommodation

The Directorate for Tourism within the Ministry of the Economy has prepared the Programme and Manual on the Ecological Organisation and Modernisation of Slovenian Hotels and successfully executed workshops aimed at organising and updating the ecological standards of Slovenian hotels.

The Directorate for Tourism within the Ministry of the Economy has prepared the Programme and Manual on the Ecological Organisation and Modernisation of Slovenian Hotels and successfully executed workshops aimed at organising and updating the ecological standards of Slovenian hotels. Thanks to this, the Terme Snovik tourism company has become the first Slovenian tourism company to obtain the EU Eco-Label for Tourist Accommodation (the EU Daisy), the official sign of the European Union for environmentally friendly tourist accommodation facilities. This sign can only be obtained by companies that strive for reduced air pollution, economical consumption of energy and other natural resources, reduced pollution of the environment and their environs and who include organically produced food in their culinary offering.

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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