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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

The Slovenian Natural Health Resorts Performed as Well as in January 2007


The Slovenian Natural Health Resorts Performed as Well as in January 2007

This January, fifteen Slovenian natural health resorts recorded a total of 41,443 local and foreign guests, the same as in January of last year.

This January, fifteen Slovenian natural health resorts recorded a total of 41,443 local and foreign guests, the same as in January of last year. These guests had 178,117 overnight stays – a little over half a percent more than the same period last year. The Italians and the Austrians were the most numerous of the foreign guests, while the number of German guests rose by 23% (compared to January 2007) and they had 15% more overnight stays – a very positive trend that has continued from December 2007. Russia also needs a special mention as the number of arrivals from here has increased by 8% and the number of overnight stays by 29%, both in January. A positive growth trend has been recorded from ot her European countries as well – these guests had 10.9% of all overnight stays. In comparison with January 2007, their number has increased by 42% and they had 42% more overnight stays. More information:

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mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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