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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

Slovenia Addresses Euro-Mediterranean Partner Countries


Slovenia Addresses Euro-Mediterranean Partner Countries

In the context of the ITB Berlin 2008 Travel Trade Show and side events, the 3rd FEMIP Conference on sustainable tourism development in the Mediterranean region, organised by the European Investment Bank, was held on 6 March 2008.

In the context of the ITB Berlin 2008 Travel Trade Show and side events, the 3rd FEMIP Conference on sustainable tourism development in the Mediterranean region, organised by the European Investment Bank, was held on 6 March 2008. FEMIP is EU's financial instrument for the promotion of development in Euro-Mediterranean Partner Countries in the southern Mediterranean region. Currently holding the presidency of the EU Council, Slovenia was at the FEMIP Conference in Berlin represented by Mr Marjan Hribar, MSc, Director General of the Directorate for Tourism at the Ministry of the Economy, who addressed nearly 200 participants to present Slovenia's position on the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and tourism prospects for economic, environmental and social development in the FEMIP countries. Slovenia holds the view that the Mediterranean region is one of the top tourist destinations in the world, that the region’s richness, natural and cultural heritage call for an integrated development policy and concerted action by the European Union as well as its southern Partner Countries, and that sustainable tourism is not only an instrument of economic development, but also an excellent means of fostering intercultural dialogue and good relations among the different nations.

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