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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

Development of Tourism Offer for People with Special Needs


Development of Tourism Offer for People with Special Needs

The Development of Tourism Offer for People with Special Needs project will be officially launched this June, for the duration of 18 months. Apart from the National Tourist Association and the project lead, Slovenian Mental Health Association ŠENT, the project also involves Sonček, Cerebral Palsy Association of Slovenia, and the Paraplegics Association of Slovenia.

The Development of Tourism Offer for People with Special Needs project will be officially launched this June, for the duration of 18 months. Apart from the National Tourist Association and the project lead, Slovenian Mental Health Association ŠENT, the project also involves Sonček, Cerebral Palsy Association of Slovenia, and the Paraplegics Association of Slovenia. Part-financed through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, with a grant of EUR 44,997.59, the projects main goals are to: - Provide better access to tourism services for the disabled and people with special needs, - Promote development and activities of tourism organisations to increase the competitiveness of Slovenian tourism, - Decrease discrimination against the disabled and people with special needs, - Raise awareness and disseminate information among the disabled and people with special needs about the possibilities of equal integration in terms of spare time activities and use of tourist services.

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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