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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

New scheduled flights to Barcelona


New scheduled flights to Barcelona

The first Clickair aircraft to land at Ljubljana airport will arrive on 4 July. This will be the second scheduled route between Barcelona and the Slovenian capital.

The Spanish no-frills airline, Clickair, will fly from Ljubljana-Jože Pučnik Airport to the El Prat airport, Barcelona, every Monday and Friday at least until 15 September. One-way tickets are currently available from 55 euros and up, including all taxes. They can be reserved on the website or via tourist agencies. There is considerable demand for flights to the Iberian peninsula, so Aerodrom Ljubljana, which manages Ljubljana-Jože Pučnik Airport, expects the flights to have a high occupancy. Aerodrom Ljubljana expects the new airline to carry approximately 7,000 passengers between Ljubljana and Barcelona over the summer. Clickair is one of the most punctual airlines in Europe. It was established two years ago and has a fleet of 24 Airbus A-320s, currently flying to fifty destinations in Spain, the UK and Ireland, Central Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Last year it carried 4.5 million passengers and this year is planning to carry 7 million.

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mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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