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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

Slovenian Ethnographic Museum at Slavic Nations of Europe Exhibition in Brussels


Slovenian Ethnographic Museum at Slavic Nations of Europe Exhibition in Brussels

In the last month of Slovenia's EU Presidency, the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum will take part in the Slavic Nations of Europe exhibition at the Cinquantenaire Museum, a Royal Museum of Art and History in Brussels. The exhibition opens on 5 June.

In the last month of Slovenia's EU Presidency, the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum will take part in the Slavic Nations of Europe exhibition at the Cinquantenaire Museum, a Royal Museum of Art and History in Brussels. The exhibition opens on 5 June.
This exhibition of national costumes of Slavic nations originates from the Russian Ethnographic Museum in St Petersburg, where it was first put on display as part of the 140th anniversary of the first Pan-Slavic exhibition in Moscow. All the costumes were taken from the original collection and restored specifically for last year's exhibition.
The initiative for the exhibition was presented to the Russian Ethnographic Museum by the Forum of Slavic Cultures requesting that the exhibition of Slavic costumes move to Brussels in time of Slovenia's EU Presidency and that Slovenia's contribution to the first Pan-Slavic exhibition be presented in more detail. Founded in 2004 and dedicated to the promotion of cultural traditions of Slavic-language countries, the Forum of Slavic Cultures is fulfilling its mission. Apart from Slovenia, the Forum brings together Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, the Russian Federation, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine. The Forum's special guest at the Brussels exhibition, the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum has from its collection selected two mannequins dressed in traditional costumes of the Gorenjska region to show the symbolic role of national costumes in a nation's expression of national identity.

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