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Online Global Photo Competition – “OUR CLIMATE SOLUTIONS”


Online Global Photo Competition – “OUR CLIMATE SOLUTIONS”

UNWTO launches its 2008 Photo Competition around this year’s World Tourism Day (WTD) theme: “Tourism Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change”. This competition is part of the year-long campaign highlighting the call for action towards a climate neutral planet.

UNWTO launches its 2008 Photo Competition around this year’s World Tourism Day (WTD) theme: “Tourism Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change”. This competition is part of the year-long campaign highlighting the call for action towards a climate neutral planet.

“This online photo competition will showcase climate solutions in tourism – business and leisure travel – from around the world. Examples include communities, companies and individuals –visiting or visited - acting to help respond to climate change as tourism stakeholders. Whether they are airlines testing new fuel, hotels installing solar energy, villages educating guests on good practice or tourists offsetting their impacts”, says UNWTO Assistant- Secretary General and Spokesperson Geoffrey Lipman.
For complete information about rules and guidelines, as well as to register and submit photographs electronically, go to 

* The deadline for receipt of entries is 30 November 2008.
* Prizes will include a trip to Machupichu in Peru – the Host Nation for World Tourism Day and cameras for runners up.
* Winners will be notified before 30 December 2008.
* Winning photos will be displayed on UNWTO’s website and at major Trade Fairs in 2009.

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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